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Home » Persecuted Christians: Top 10 Nations that Persecute Christians, 9 out of 10 are Islamic Nations

Persecuted Christians: Top 10 Nations that Persecute Christians, 9 out of 10 are Islamic Nations


LISTEN NOW! Right now, more than ever, Christians are being persecuted throughout the world solely because of their faith in Jesus Christ. As the Church, we must not only see this an un urgent and important matter, but we must also empathize with the reality that so many are currently facing. Empathy is simply not taught anymore. There may be pity for another, but empathy is feeling the pain of another. It is to say what it feels ‘walking in someone else’s shoes’. Open Doors USA is a ministry that not only monitors the rising persecution of Christians throughout the world, but they also respond by supplying the needed resources to these effected areas. With Open Doors’ most recent report about persecution, a list of the top 50 nations regarding persecution of Christians brings a concerning reality about those that are at the top of the list. Nine of the top 10 countries are Islamic nations. 


It is one thing to hear about the overview of these realities, but to hear an individual story is even more revealing of these realities. Take for instance Susan, a young girl who gave her life to Jesus Christ. Her father, following the ways of Islam, gave her this ultimatum while holding a knife to her throat, “Susan, if you do not stop going to church and worshiping God, I will kill you and your brother.” Susan, standing resolutely in her faith caused her father to lock her in a bedroom with a mat on the floor. His ultimatums continued, “Sit on the mat and do not move until you are willing to deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.” Sitting alone in the room, on the mat, the door that her father locked behind him, remained locked for 3 months. What happens to Susan, how she endures, and her response to her own reality will surely challenge you!


These are situations that many face and endure everyday of their lives. As Open Doors USA reveals a deeper look into this rising tragedy, there are additional statistics that highlight just how bad it is. “Each Month: 322 Christians are killed for their faith; 214 churches and Christian properties are destroyed; 772 forms of violence are committed against Christians (such as beatings, abductions, rapes, arrests, and forced marriages).” From the signs that are being witnessed and experienced throughout the world, it will only get worse.


We must take a concern and a proactive response to these realities. It matters if we are not broken or affected by these truths. Jesus said this in Matthew 25:45, ‘…Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ If we respond to those who are currently being persecuted, it is as if we were responding to Jesus being persecuted. If we do not respond, if we do not have a broken heart towards those being persecuted, it is as if we are not responding to Jesus being persecuted.


If we do not have an understanding of how to pray, here are a few ideas: Pray they will stand firm in their faith; Pray they will not fear for themselves or their families; but trust God; Pray they would not retaliate, but entrust themselves to our Righteous Judge and live in peace with everyone.

Allow this sobering truth to impact your heart as you take an account to the what is being endured each and every day for the cause of Christ. Be encouraged as God moves upon your heart to begin a dialogue with Him about the persecuted Church as He may be calling you to respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Open Doors USA, shipping containers, Radical Islam, humility, brokenness, and prayer. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Pray they will stand firm in their faith (1 Pet 5:8-10). 

Pray they will not fear for themselves or their families; but trust God. (rev 2:10).

Pray they would not retaliate, but entrust themselves to our Righteous Judge and live in peace with everyone (Rom 12:17-21).

Pray they would rejoice, even in suffering (1 Peter 4:12-14).

Pray they would love and forgive those who persecute them (Mat 5:43,44; Luke 23:34, Col 3:13).

Pray they would keep their eyes on Jesus and not grow weary (Heb 12:1-3, 10:32-39).

Pray those who suffer great physical pain will be delivered by the Lord (2 Cor 1:9-11).

Pray they would proclaim the gospel, even when suffering ( 2 Tim 4:15-18).

Pray they would rely on the Lord’s strength and not their own (2 Cor 1:8-9).

Pray their oppressors will be saved, as Paul did (Acts 9:1-9).

Pray Bibles and Christian literature will reach needy areas (Ps 119:42-43).

Pray leaders of persecuted churches will continue to be faithful (2 Peter 5:1-4).

Pray Christians who have religious freedom will understand what it means to suffer with other members of God’s family (1 Cor 12:26), to speak out boldly and seek changes in the name of the Lord on behalf of persecuted believers (Prov 31:8-9), and to faithfully remember to pray for our Christian family worldwide who are in prison and suffering for their faith (Heb 13:3).
screen capture from opendoorsusa.org 


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