LISTEN NOW! Congressman Jeff Miller is a representative of Florida and he recently confronted Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter about statements that President Obama had made in reference to Congress. After a back and forth exchange with Secretary Carter, Congressman Miller was quite frank when he presented this question.“Have you ever heard any member of Congress say we’re at war with Muslims?” “No”, Secretary Carter responds. Congressman Miller continues, “Why would the President, on foreign soil, last week, say that quote, ‘GOP’s rhetoric has become the most potent recruitment tool for the militant group.’ Why would he say that?”
LISTEN NOW! Congressman Jeff Miller is a representative of Florida and he recently confronted Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter about statements that President Obama had made in reference to Congress. After a back and forth exchange with Secretary Carter, Congressman Miller was quite frank when he presented this question.“Have you ever heard any member of Congress say we’re at war with Muslims?” “No”, Secretary Carter responds. Congressman Miller continues, “Why would the President, on foreign soil, last week, say that quote, ‘GOP’s rhetoric has become the most potent recruitment tool for the militant group.’ Why would he say that?”
This so important to understand. When the word, ‘Congress’ is said, that means The American People, that means You. Watch the full exchange regarding the statements of the President and the impact of what appears to be a stirring organizing, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Congress, Saul Alinsky, Veterans Affairs, E PLURIBUS UNUM, and war. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Screen Capture from youtube.com/RepJeffMiller
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