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Home » Economic Downturn, Riots in the Streets, and More Terror Attacks: The Perfect Storm is Brewing: Belgium Sitting on a Ticking Time Bomb? Could this Summer be the Summer of RAGE in America?

Economic Downturn, Riots in the Streets, and More Terror Attacks: The Perfect Storm is Brewing: Belgium Sitting on a Ticking Time Bomb? Could this Summer be the Summer of RAGE in America?

LISTEN NOW! We stand in solidarity with Belgium and the people of Brussels. The very freedoms and safety of an entire people are being threatened and stolen. We are seeing the harsh reality that a nation’s government cannot protect their own citizens. With an in depth look at the details that have unfolded in the terrorist events of the Brussels attack at the Brussels Airport and the subway, Glenn Beck talks in detail with critical sources to give a perspective on both Europe and America.


Scott Stewart is the Statfor Vice President of Tactical Analysis, he shares about the strategic locations of these attacks in Brussels. For one, Brussels is the headquarters of the European Union and home of NATO, The North Atlantic Treaty Union. “They went to that Metro stop near the EU headquarters on purpose. They detonated the one device near the American Airlines ticket counter on purpose. That’s the symbology here. That’s the message they are trying to get out.”


In light of the existence of America’s presence within NATO, sources have expressed that America should depart from NATO. Stewart shares, “For a long time, the Americans have been the number one contributor and certainly we are the most capable of NATO, but really, our allies there need us.” He continues to share what the response is from the International community regarding America’s presence in NATO, “You talk to the Poles, you talk to the Czechs, you talk to the other members of NATO, they really realize the importance of having a strong American ally…”


As a response to the growing threat of terrorism in Europe, the valid standing question is, ‘What happens to Europe’? Stewart has this to say in response, “We are going to see problems, and we’ve seen, not just the right, but also the left, the extreme left…” He continues, “We are going to see renewed terrorism from both of these wings, and it is going to lead to problems.” Taking into consideration how this will affect the countries within the EU Stewart emphasizes; “I do think that the European countries are going to have to struggle to keep these extremists under control.”


We can see clearly that the future on the horizon for Europe does not look good in relation to the present threat of terrorism that still remains. But, what does this mean for America? We can see clearly the precarious dangers that exist in Belgium, but what many do not know, according to Beck, “We have let more Muslim refugees into the United States in the last five years than the entire Muslim population of Belgium. This is coming our way.” Beck continues the exchange regarding the terrorist attacks in Brussels when he spoke with Patrick Poole.


Poole shares how the recent arrest of Salah Abdelslam, in connection with the Paris attacks, was from the Brussels suburb of Molenbeek. This area is predominately Muslim and is a “No-Go Zone”. When it was discovered that Abdelslam originated from this area, Poole expresses, “The government has no effective control over the area; meaning these ‘No-Go Zones’ that just several months ago, the media was telling us didn’t exist.”


Beck asks a clear question trying to bring awareness to the significance of the location of this attack being in Brussels, which is the headquarters of the EU. “I bet a lot of people don’t realize the significance of Brussels, the home of the EU…to explain to America, Europe is on the verge of falling, would you agree with that?” Poole responds, “They knew there were other members of the cell that they weren’t able to round up and were hearing the Belgian counter-terrorism authorities are admitting they have no way to be able to handle the scope of this threat.” This is not just an issue within Belgium. “We’re hearing the same things from Germany, from France, from Great Britain…” Beck interrupts, “Sweden, Norway” and Poole replies,” Yeah. And, we’re seeing that the FBI Director came out and said several months ago that they’re tracking 900 potential ISIS suspects in every single state of the Union…”


In America’s backyard, at George Mason University, in Washington DC, Poole shares how three students were just arrested for the discovery of bomb making components after an explosion went off. Ironically enough, their identities have yet to be made known to the public. Poole expresses, “There is this concerted effort in incidents like this to downplay the source of where all of these attacks are coming from…”  When we take into consideration all of these realities, it is a sobering reality when we consider how Poole continues his response, “…We’d be foolish to think that the problem is somehow over there, across the pond, and that we don’t have the same problems here.”  Beck continues to shares of “The Muslim Brotherhood talking, here in America, about a summer of rage, and how they are beginning to work with Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter for a summer of 1968. We could see this here, clearly we could see this here in America; and that changes absolutely everything.” The signs are present and they are clear. Now is the time to respond to the Lord. We are truly facing interesting days, presently and upon the horizon. It is vital to pay attention and to prepare, not only mentally, but also physically, and spiritually. Watch the full interviews to hear the full story of what is taking place in Brussels, the suburb of Molembeek, what is happening in America, and so much more. Also shared in this segment; Radical Islam, terrorism, chest rigs, explosions, National Security, attacks, anti-Semitism, extremism, Islamism, ideology, Russia, Jihad, and war. John and Steve shared in this segment.
Courtesy of CRM/shutterstock.com



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