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Home » WATCH! China in Greatest Revival in the World, 30,000 Souls a Day; the Dangers America is facing; and Georgia Tech Security Guard Gets Blessed

WATCH! China in Greatest Revival in the World, 30,000 Souls a Day; the Dangers America is facing; and Georgia Tech Security Guard Gets Blessed



Explosive Revival in China 1 Million People Coming to Jesus EVERY Month
Right now, China is having the world’s greatest revival. Reportedly, over 30,000 are giving their life to Jesus Christ, EVERY SINGLE DAY! These are conservative estimates. Eugene Bachshares this powerful truth of what is happening! “That would mean that they have about 130 and as much as 160 million believers. If we take the most conservative number, that means that China is about to, or already has surpassed the number of registered Communist members in their Church.”These are staggering developments!


In an even more encouraging development, because of this growth in The Church of China, Israel now has a new friend. The relationship between Israel and China is growing; and that is good news! Presently, Chinese believers are praying for America to be humbled. They do not want the light within America to go out. To comprehend what is taking place within China is beyond encouraging! Hear the full statement of what is developing in China, a prophetic encounter of what is going to take place within China, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: missionaries, leadership, Israel, Jerusalem, revival, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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Paying it Forward Georgia Tech Students Surprise Security Guard Bringing Him to Tears
Anytime we have the opportunity to be kind to those around us, we have the opportunity to change a life. We may walk nonchalantly beside people every day, but when a gathering of students at Georgia Techtake the time to bless a security guard on campus. “We just want to show you how much we appreciate you, all that you do for us each day; bringing the energy and making our days better.” You would think this was a normal moment to give someone a thank you card, but it was far from that. Because of more than a hundred students came together to express how thankful they were, they were able to present a sizeable gift of gratitude. Just as this particular man was stunned, you will be too. A link of kindness can go a long way. If you see it, share it. If you do it, share it. Watch the encounter for yourself and be greatly encouraged, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: #linksofkindness, #LOK, gratitude, and blessings. Greg and John shared in this segment.


Failures of Imagination- The Deadliest Threats to Our Homeland: Chairman of Homeland Security Committee

It is no surprise to recognize how acts of terrorism are increasingly on the rise throughout the world and also within America. In light of the most recent attacks, it is a growing concern of many. When CBN spoke with the Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Michael Mccaul, the concern of a cyber security attach was just as alarming. Re. Mccaul shares, “A cyberattack could actually shut down power grids, financial institutions, cause absolute chaos across the nation…This is the kind of thing that would be highly devastating, highly consequential, and it’s something that we need to protect against. We have great offense capability, ourselves, but it’s the defensive capability that needs to be strengthened.” Because of the rise of terrorism, multiple threats exist within many parts of the world. Rep. Mccaul writes about his concerns within our nations in his book, Failures of Imagination. He shares, “The reason I wrote the book because I think the American people deserve to know the truth about the threats we face as a nation, and I think for too long this administration has downplayed those threats and they haven’t been honest about those threats, and we really need to deal those, as policymakers, head on.” It is important that we are not only clear of the threats facing us, as a nation, but that we also have wisdom on what to do about them. See the full exchange and so much more. Also shared in this segment: EMP, Electromagnetic Pulse, ISIS, Radical Islam, 9/11, and military. Greg and John shared in this segment. 

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Superintendent Goes Ballistic Over “Jesus Lunch” in the Park?

One might not think that having a casual lunch in the park wouldn’t bring too much attention. But, when a mother organizes an event to provide a Jesus lunch for students, she is greeted by the school superintendent who promptly expresses his dissatisfaction towards the event. According to wnd, “Mothers in Middleton have been hosting a Jesus Lunch 16 times per year since 2014 in Fireman’s Park.” This particular gathering turned out to be different than all the others when the superintendent of the Middleton-Cross Plains School District promptly expressed, “We are asking you to allow our legal counsels to consider this together because this is certainly a question you contend is a First Amendment right”. One particular mother wasn’t swayed as she punctually responded with legal statements from her attorney and this bold reply; “We have permission from the city to rent it. So, whatever legal happenings have to take place, our lawyers can get together. But, you know what guys; we love being with these kids…you can keep that letter; we’re going to continue on and you can take it up with our lawyer. Thank you.”

These are the very statements from a superintendent that was voted for to be his place of leadership. It is encouraging to know that this mother had all their “ducks in a row” and was able to effectively respond to the situation. We all have to learn how to respond in situations like this. See the full exchange of what took place, and so much more. Also shared in segment: litigation, lawyers, Constitutional Rights, First Amendment, and lunch. Greg and John shared in this segment. 

Bible Illiteracy: 60% of Americans Want to Read the Bible They Just Need a Plan: Iabide.org

In America, many are familiar with the Bible when compared to other parts of the world. The question though is, what is the Bible literacy or illiteracy within America? According to a study from The Barna Group, “98% of Americans believe that people should have access to the Bible, and 7 out of 10 believe that the Bible should be in all languages.” It’s good to know that there is a desire for it. Surprisingly though, as the study continues, “In the U.S. more than half of Americans want to read the Bible more.” Many people can often be defeated in their desire to read The Bible as it can be overwhelming, or not even know where to start. With this in mind, we just need a simple plan in order to begin. By being able to begin reading the Bible each and every day, and enjoy it, it will change our lives.  Hear the full statistics

from this report, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: abiding, discouragement, languages, and Loren Cunningham. Greg and John shared in this segment.



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