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Home » United States on the Verge of Offering Israel Largest Financial Aid Package in History, Pray

United States on the Verge of Offering Israel Largest Financial Aid Package in History, Pray


LISTEN NOW! America has long been a supporter and ally of the State of Israel both democratically and financially. Currently, America gives $3 Billion of annual aid to Israel. Because of a memorandum of understanding, led by Republican Lindsey Graham and Democrat Chris Coons, and signed by 83 Senators, that amount could be increased to $5 Billion in annual aid. It is because of our present aid to Israel, that defense systems such as The Iron Dome are able to become a reality, defending the Israeli citizens.

The more we learn about Israel, the more we can understand the blessings and truths that are taking place each and every day within the nation of Israel. As a member of the Knesset, Rabbi Dov Lipman is also the Director of Public Diplomacy for the World Zionist Organization. The WZO was created nearly 120 years ago with the vision of creating the State of Israel. Rabbi Lipman shares, “There is a significant amount of anti-Israel sentiment out there and a lot of it is actually based, on some level, on anti-Semitism. What we have to do is get the facts out there”. Contrary to the many lies promulgated within the international community, against Israel, Israel is interested in peace and co-existence with its neighbors. Rabbi Lipman continues, “People just have to come to Israel and experience it; and see what Israeli Arabs have here, which they don’t have in any other country in the Middle East: opportunities, and freedom, and democracy”.


Rabbi Lipman is also the first American born member of the Knesset. In his book, An ‘American’ MK – Behind the scenes in the 19th Knesset, he shares how he is able to see the inner workings of Israel, as well as the “miracle” of the Statehood of Israel. The only way that we can adequately combat the lies attacking the existence of Israel is with truth. Hear the full report of what is taking place within Israel, the funding currently being discussed in the Senate, truth about Israel, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: anti-Semitism, racism, Zionism, Jerusalem, democracy, freedom, and government. John and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of ChameleonsEye/Shutterstock.com


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