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Home » ‘Jordan is a Cornerstone to Israel’s Eastern Border of Protection in the Middle East’. We Need to Pray for our Ally King Abdullah and the Nation of Jordan

‘Jordan is a Cornerstone to Israel’s Eastern Border of Protection in the Middle East’. We Need to Pray for our Ally King Abdullah and the Nation of Jordan


LISTEN NOW! As we have been continually keeping Israel in our focus and prayers, it is also important to be mindful of what is taking place with the neighbors of Israel. On Israel’s Eastern border, is the nation of Jordan. At Israel’s widest point, it is nearly 70 miles wide. Because of Jordan’s allegiance and support, the safety of Israel extends far wider than Israel’s border. If there are threats coming to Jordan, it is a valid threat to Israel.

King Abdullah is the presiding leader over Jordan and he is a bold supporter of Israel. In a report from CBN, Jordan is described as “One of the most strategic nations in the Middle East.” Recognized author and speaker, Joel Rosenberg, describes Jordan as, “the Eastern Cornerstone of the security architecture that keeps Israel safe, and is the buffer, the frontline buffer against the wave of Islamic Jihad that is coming towards the West.”


Presently, Jordan is experiencing a wave of growth in their population. A 30% spike, but not all of them are Jordanians. “They’re Syrians, they’re Iraqi refugees, and nobody exactly knows who each person is.” As an ally to both Israel and America, we have to support the needs of Jordan. Presently, Jordan has 8 Blackhawks to defend and patrol their nation that requires a fleet of at least 12. According to reports, America has promised an additional 8 Blackhawks by the end of 2017. Considering the growing threat of ISIS, Rosenberg asks this critical question, “Why are we waiting?”

Hear the full report of this critical activity within Jordan, the Middle East, America and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Coalition, Brian Carn, Lt. Gen Jerry Boykin, Kamal Saleem, oil, reserves, Washington DC, and humility. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
Screen Capture from CBN.com

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