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Home » “2016 Presidential Election Will be Suspended Unless the Church Prays”, Glenda Jackson Prophesies

“2016 Presidential Election Will be Suspended Unless the Church Prays”, Glenda Jackson Prophesies


When Sid Roth invited Glenda Jackson onto his show, It’s Supernatural, she shared profound prophetic words that the Lord has revealed to her that have ultimately came to pass; an assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, The Berlin Wall, The Gulf War, and the Invasion of Iraq. According to Jackson, she was shown that Barack Obama was going to be President before it was even decided. It has Jackson’s most recent prophetic word that brings urgent warnings to the days that we are in.
“If Christians don’t start praying more than they ever have, even the Churches become the House of Prayer, this next (Presidential) election, is not going to take place. It’s going to be suspended because evil is going to arise, and some disasters are going to happen…the President is not going to be removed, he’s going to stay in.”
There are amazing things happening in the world today. When just about every topic imaginable is being divided; healthcare, homes, spouses, education, sexuality, government, military, among many others. This is unfolding to be the Perfect Storm; the very events that John Paul Jackson prophesied about would happen. If war unfolds, especially a civil war, the nation will not continue through an election. The elections will be suspended, and whoever is in office, will remain in office. Applicably, in present day, if similar events arise in America, the 2016 Presidential Election will not take place. Continue Reading

screen capture from sidroth.org


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