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Home » Francis Chan ‘What I’m Doing Right Now will Be Labeled a Hate Crime’

Francis Chan ‘What I’m Doing Right Now will Be Labeled a Hate Crime’


LISTEN NOW! Imagine speaking to a crowd of people, talking about the Bible and sharing what Jesus says to them. Then, those listening respond to your words by saying, “Amen”. Because of these two actions, everyone in the crowd, and yourself, are now arrested for committing a crime. What crime did you commit? Hate speech. Six years ago, Francis Chan spoke of the days that are ahead of us. His words are powerfully prophetic and you will be amazed as to how he arrived at such a revelation. “Now, I’m not trying to be prophetic right now. I’m just using my logic…I think there is going to come a time, and It’s probably going to be sooner than later, when what I do in a public forum is going to be labeled as a hate crime.”

Chan highlights two significant pieces of history that underwent the same type of oppression and persecution. He looks at both Russia and China, and what happened when persecution arose. When the government stepped in, removing the leadership of the Church, these two had vastly different outcomes. In Russia, “The people didn’t know where to turn. They didn’t know how to grow. They didn’t know how to disciple, and so the Church basically died.” For China, The government oppression was the same, the removal of Church leadership was the same, but in the case of the outcome, it was an entirely different story. “In fact, under Mao Zedong, the persecuted Church grew from 2 million to an estimated, about 80 million in these underground gatherings. Why? Because the people, they understood how to minister to other people. They knew how to teach other people.” In the case of the Church in Russia, the focus was upon the buildings and the priests. In the case of the Church in China, the everyday Christian was empowered to know the simple things of the Gospel; what it means to know Christ, how to lead others to Christ, etc. We are to honor government, yes, but we are not to bow down to it. We are only to bow before Jesus Christ.


It is vital that we do not simply know of the Lord, but that we actually know Him and have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Simple belief is not enough. As James 2:19 says, “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.” Presently, there are self-proclaimed Christians that don’t even shutter at the recognition of God. Persecution is already happening, and it is coming to an even greater measure. Just as the disciples who were walking alongside Jesus on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24, our hearts should be burning as the Word of God is revealed to us by Jesus. Jesus called us to become disciples and to make disciples. If we attempt to make disciples before becoming disciples of Jesus Christ we are only making disciples of ourselves. We must reproduce disciples of Jesus Christ. Hear the full conversation of this impactful truth, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: persecution, leadership, relationship, persecution, oppression, government, Rick Joyner, Joni Table Talk, America How We Got Here, religion, relationship, Stephen, Vladimir Puttin, and sheep. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

screen capture from Vimeo.com

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This post was edited 8/1/2016

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