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Home » Has President Obama Created a Narrative that has Created the Environment that facilitates terrorism? What does it Look Like for the President to Openly Defend Islam?

Has President Obama Created a Narrative that has Created the Environment that facilitates terrorism? What does it Look Like for the President to Openly Defend Islam?


LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! Hours ago two Israeli Defense Forces soldiers found themselves on the receiving end of a Palestinan woman brandishing a dagger. While holding it high, she approached the both of them. With guns raised, the two soldiers slowly backed away doing everything they could to de-escalate the situation before shooting her. What is causing this amplified environment of terrorism? What is the belief system that this young woman would consider this a reasonable approach? When we look at the statements and decisions of President Obama during his Presidency, a common denominator begins to take shape.

During the President’s first international speech, at Cairo University, he boldly proclaimed, “I consider it my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear”. Truth be told, the responsibility of the President is to defend the Constitution and the borders of America, not a religion.


Sean Hannity pieced together multiple statements from the President regarding Islam and Christianity. When we see each of these clips together, we can clearly see that President Obama appears to be one sided towards Islam and Christianity. In his remarks towards Islam, the President has stated, “The United States is not, and will never be at war with Islam”, “Islam is not part of the problem in combatting violent extremism, it is an important part of promoting peace”. In his comments specifically toward Al-Qaeda, he has stated, “our enemies respect no religious freedom. Al-Qaeda’s cause is not Islam, it’s a gross distortion of Islam.” Towards those who who believe other than what Islam teaches, he shares, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” Towards ISIS, he has stated, “ISIL is not Islamic. No religion condones the killing of innocence, and the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim”.


Now, changing topics from Islam to Christianity, the comments are no longer in a defensive posture, but appear to be more accusatory and near mocking.  “Remember during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ…slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ”. While speaking about Easter, the President has shared, “On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I am supposed to love, and I have to say, that sometimes, when I listen to less than loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned.”


The resulting question to ask is why? While discussing these comments with Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Chairman of the Threat Knowledge Group, Dr. Gorka reveals some of the history of President Obama that serves as a background to each of these statements. “This man comes from a certain ideological background…” Hannity fills in the blanks as he drops just a few names, Bill Ayres, Bernadine Dorhrn, Reverend Wright, Saul Alinsky…” Dr. Gorka again picks up with this question, “What’s the common denominator? America is the problem. Whatever the issue, we are the problem. As a result, he’s always going to sympathize with who? The bad guys.” The narrative promoting Islam has significant effects on reality. When Mosab Hassan Yousef son of the head of Hamas, now a Christian, spoke to The Jerusalem Post, he revealed, “When the President of the free world stands and says that Islam is a religion of peace he creates the climate, he provides the climate, the perfect climate, to create more terrorism.” From a logical stand point, we can be angry. But, God is going to point to what we have done. We can only survive if God is the God of America.


This defense of Islam is taken one step even further when the recent activities within our government agencies towards the realities of Islamic Extremism are revealed. From the testimony of former employee of Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Philip Haney, during the Hearing on the Obama Administration’s Willful Blindness to Radical Islamic Terrorism, we get a first-hand view of how widespread this activity is.


It was during the report, “The Homeland Security’s Council ‘Counter Extremism Sub Comittee Interim Report for 2016” where employees were suggested to refrain rfom using words such as, “Huma”, “Jihad”, or “Sharia”. Backing up a few years is ‘The Words Matter Memo’. According to Haney, the memo was published in 2008. “My story today is going to be what happened between these two documents, these two touchstone documents, 2008 and 2016, because it was during that time that what we know now as ‘Countering Violent Extremism Policy’ came to be.” We see this same activity happening immediately after the Orlando Shooting when Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, was reportedly releasing a “partial” transcript of Omar Mateen’s 911 phone call “with all references to Islam Terrorism removed.” The words that Haney uses


Haney continues to reveal that he was “ordered” by the headquarters of the Department of Homeland Security to remove “all linking information out of approx. 820 text subject records, in our law enforcement system, that almost exclusively had to do with Muslim Brotherhood network here in the U.S.”. He continues, “I was told to remove all unauthorized references to terrorism…” Shockingly enough, this wasn’t the last time Haney would receive such orders.


As Haney continually holds up report after report of what he is referring to, he then holds up the very emblem of the Muslim Brotherhood, “the moderate organization which this Administration chose to align itself with”. As he continually holds up the emblem, he details what the words mean, most specifically the ones on the bottom of the emblem. When translated to English, it says, “Prepare yourself to terrify your adversaries with steeds of war” or “weapons of war”.


This “purging” of records did not stop. “In September of 2012, what I call ‘The Second Great Purge’ when the Administration removed 67 linking records out of that case that had direct ties to both the San Bernardino Mosque… and the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce”. For his actions and efforts, previous to these “purges”, he was relieved of his duties, his secret clearance was revoked and then sequestered for 11 months, “while the results of three simultaneous investigations, from three different branches of government were concluded.”

It looks like there has been a covenant made between this current Administration and Islam. Islam is about setting up the global Caliphate, a complete domination of Sharia Law. In the eyes of Islam, Sharia Law is above the Constitution. We cannot focus solely on what we see in the natural, trying to have a logical argument, we must turn our hearts back to God, in repentance and humility. God is looking for us to see the error of our ways and turn back to him. Watch the full discussion to understand the complete context of the realities that are shared, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Radical Islam, Terrorism, John Guandolo, The Son of Hamas, The Green Prince, The Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, ideology, President al-Sisi, Sharia Law, Israel, and humility. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock.com

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