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Home » “I believe some Journalist need to be Beheaded” Iman “Facetiously” Tells Reporter

“I believe some Journalist need to be Beheaded” Iman “Facetiously” Tells Reporter


LISTEN NOW! As the nation is still recovering from the devastating tragedy of the Orlando shooting, new reports are being released regarding alleged ties with the gunman, Omar Mateen. Reportedly, Abu Taubah, whose real name is Marcus Robertson, was Mateen’s imam. Fox News Greta Van Susteren was able to sit down with Robinson and hear his comments.

Van Susteren directly asked him, “Hypothetically, do you condemn stoning a woman for adultery?” Quickly responding, he said, “No. I do not condemn that.” When asked why, he retorted back by asking about her thoughts were on the electric chair. When Robinson asked why she is specifying a woman, she presses, “Because, I see the women being stoned to death, and I don’t see the men. Are they stoning the men to death?” He defends himself saying, “I don’t know.”  The debate continues as Robinson shares and Van Susteren again interjects. “In Islam, a man can have more than one wife, but a wife can’t have more than one husband?” Robinson calmly responds, “Of course not…It’s not natural.”


Van Susteren changes gears and asks about the beheading of American journalist James Foley, Robinson openly shares his perspective. “I believe some journalists need to be beheaded.”  When she again presses the question, he responds, “I only say that facetiously.” See the full dialogue of this exchange and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Radical Islam, stoning, beheading, James Foley, and Islamic Jihad. Greg shared in this segment.

screen capture from foxnews.com

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