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Home » The Prophetic Dreams, Vision & Words of the Lord–Connect with The Torch Today

The Prophetic Dreams, Vision & Words of the Lord–Connect with The Torch Today


LISTEN NOW! It is amazing how the Lord is using VFNtv to literally reach the nations of the world! It truly has been a journey. We didn’t just get here. So many happenings in the Kingdom were started when God reveals a dream. It was the same thing for the VFN Torch. When God called Steve Kaliszewski to help with the Torch, he had no idea what to expect. But, when he received a dream from the Lord, he knew that God showing him something powerful. In the dream he saw an area of elevated water and began to stir the water with end of a pencil. While the pencil was shaking up the surface of the water, he then noticed that fish began to come directly to Him. In Matthew 4:19 Jesus said, “I will make you fishers of men.”

Today, we are reading the Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit, because men took the time to write down all that God is saying and doing. Today, we want to transcribe what the Spirit of God is saying in this hour. What started with a dream now has reached over 1 million people and is continually to reach the outermost parts of the world. Hear the whole conversation about the Torch, how it adds so much dimension to what cannot be shared on television, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: dreams, visions, Torch Newsletter, Marines, Mary and Joseph, and evangelism. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Voronin76/Shutterstock.com

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