LISTEN NOW! Often, when we pray about God sending Christians into leadership in our country, the last person we think God will send is ourselves. This is exactly what happened to James Lankford when he learned that a vacancy was opening up in his state’s House of Representatives. Today he is one of Oklahoma’s Senators. CBN News was able to sit down with the Lankford family to hear him share about the exciting events that have taken place in their lives.
Lankford was a pastor in his hometown and served in the ministry for 20 years. All of that soon changed when he realized that Mary Fallin was running for Oklahoma’s next Governor. “It’s as if it jumped off the page and I heard God say, ‘That’s what I want you to do,'” he recalled. “And it wasn’t audible; it wasn’t a big boom. It was just this overwhelming sense ‘You asked me before what I was looking for. That’s it.'” As most people would be quite surprised by a call from God to run for political office, Lankford shares how he shared the same response. “And I remember just leaning back in my chair and thinking, ‘Well, that’s insane,'” he said. “That’s not even rational, but I just couldn’t shake it. It was just one of those crystal-clear moments.”
Now, after serving as Senator, he has seen just how much work there is to be done in our nation’s capital. As Lankford describes, “I’m not there to be a celebrity. I’m not there to go and play. There’s a lot of work that has to be done, and it’s a mess.” He not only talks about what he has been focusing on, but also some of the problems within Washington.
Maybe God has been calling you to run for pollical office. Whether it is in your community, your state, or even at the federal level, this could be the confirmation that you’ve been sensing God has been showing you. Allow your perspective of our leaders to change as you hear exactly who God has been sending to our nation’s capital, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: Route 66, Death Master File, Social Security Numbers, prayer, faith, and Civil Christianity. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
screen capture from CBN.com
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