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Home » WATCH! Steph Curry; 2017 a Prophetic Year?; and Amazon Go

WATCH! Steph Curry; 2017 a Prophetic Year?; and Amazon Go


“No lines. No checkouts. No registers.” The Future of Shopping is Here? A look at Amazon Go
How often do you quickly go shopping, knowing where your desired item is, dash to the door, only to be halted and delayed by the long lines of check out aisles and registers? Amazon may have the remedy to this all-too-familiar reality with their most recent technology. They are calling it Amazon Go.
The convenience simply can’t be understated. But, is it worth it? When we look at the Revelation given to John, there is a coming Beast Economy that effects how every individual will buy AND sell. See Amazon Go being used in person, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: technology, shopping, retail, prophecy, and the mark. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
The Best Pizza Delivery – 12 Days of Christmas
Has anyone every told you that you’re celebrating a little too much for Christmas? Just when some families perceived pizza night to be like every other pizza night, they open the door to a festive celebration. Make your next family pizza night a little more memorable this Christmas Season as you remember that there can never be too much Christmas celebration, and so much more. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Is the 6th Trumpet in the Book of Revelation Next? Dr. Irvin Baxter shares “2017 may be the Greatest Year of Prophetic Fulfillment”.
The Book of Revelation talks about the existence of seven Trumpets. While some may believe that the events described will take place in the distant future, Irvin Baxter believes they describe events much closer to present day. Actually, he shares that five of the Trumpets have already happened and the next event to happen is the Sixth Trumpet. When Dr. Irvin Baxter shared on The Jim Bakker Show, he went through a detailed timetable as to what he believes is the first five Trumpets and how they have already taken place.
As Baxter begins to describe the events of these Trumpets, he points to the word ‘Wormwood’, which is detailed in the Third Trumpet. “The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter”, as is written in Revelation 8:10-11. As he recalls his own research into the word, he was directed to the Russian catastrophe of Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster. Quite surprisingly, the Russian word for ‘Wormwood’ is Chernobyl.
As Baxter was educated by a local librarian during his own research about the events, he was surprised to find out, “Russians used Wormwood for medicinal purposes and it turned their tongues black, and the Russian word for black is Chernin; and they begun to call Wormwood ‘Chernobyl’”. Because of the nuclear fallout in Russia and Eastern Europe, much of the waters were contaminated. More specifically, “anybody that drank that, ingested that nuclide, it goes to your bone marrow and has a half-life of 30 years.” More than 100,000 people have died because of this and “doctors estimate that there are two million people in Europe right now that are going to have cancer…”These findings are direct causes from the Chernobyl disaster. Deducting from these findings, Baxter believes Chernobyl is the fulfillment of the Third Trumpet, which sounded in 1986.
Rewinding even further in history, according to Baxter, points us to the Second Trumpet. The devastating events of the Second Trumpet are described in Revelation 8:9, “…a third of the ships were destroyed.” Looking at this clear evidence, Baxter asked himself a question, “How many ships were in World War II, and how many were sunk?” He then passed the question off to one of his assistants to research the findings. The results he was given absolutely astounded him. “105,127 ships participated in World War II; and 36,000 were sunk. That’s just right at 1/3.” When we look at more of the events described in the Second Trumpet, there may be an additional connection with what transpired in World War II, and the nuclear bombing of the Japanese city, Hiroshima. As Baxter continues to point out, “World War II was the Second Trumpet, which makes World War I the First Trumpet.” Seeing these connections of war and the Biblical trumpets, some may be surprised as to what and who Baxter believes the Fourth and Fifth Trumpet points to.
We are seeing prophesy being fulfilled rapidly across the globe. Because of this, we can see that time is getting shorter and shorter. On more than one occasion, we are seeing leaders in the nation and world talk about a global economy. This isn’t a time to get shocked or concerned in the scheming and strategies of men, but to lift our eyes to the Glory of God. See the full discussion from Irvin Baxter, his detailed findings of what he believes are the seven trumpets, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Sister Diana Momeka, Beast Economy, buy and sell, title deed to Earth, and the last days. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
NBA MVP Steph Curry shares the foundation of his 3-point shot and his relationship with the Lord
It is so encouraging to see Christians within so many professional teams in America. As many Americans watched the last NBA Finals, they may not be aware that Steph Curry, of the Golden State Warriors, is a bold witness for Christ. When he sat down with CBNNews, he not only shared how he remains consistent on the court, but how his parent’s foundational upbringing in his life guided him to have his own relationship with Jesus Christ.
‘You can’t get lost in the daily routines, and the hype of what we do on the floor…and forget why we’re here.’ As one who has been awarded the NBA’s Most Valuable Player, Curry knows, first-hand, the hard work and dedication that goes into his profession, but also the attention that comes with it; both the good and bad. As he shares, ‘It definitely becomes harder to stay at that level because you have a bullseye on your back…you’re under a bigger microscope…There is much more scrutiny, criticism, praise, all that that you have to deal with’.
Not only is Curry known for how he is impacting lives physically, but also spiritually. As Curry points out, he is not the only Christian on the Warriors’ roster, as others join him in a Bible study. “It’s all about finding accountability partners and finding people who can encourage you in your walk… You have to be able to continue to get fed every single day”. Curry is living a truly inspiring life on and off the court, as well as doing all he can to change the lives of those who have Malaria in other parts of the world. He is truly a role model for the next generation. See the full interview with Steph Curry, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Nothing but Nets Campaign, abiding, talents, and discipleship. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
How Animals Enjoy Christmas? – 12 Day of Christmas
Parents across the nation can attest to long night and early mornings reading instructions they best that they are able to in order to see that glowing face of joy beaming from their child’s face. When one father finishes his present for his daughter, he finds out that it wasn’t just his daughter that was looking forward to Christmas morning. Allow your perspective of Christmas to change, just a little, as you see Christmas from a animal’s point of view, and so much more. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 


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