LISTEN NOW! It is so encouraging to see America entering a new season as a new Administration is now into full swing. As President Trump is effectively making changes within all aspects of government, he has openly shared how he is acting on the promises that he said he would do once he got into office. In a recent trip to Melbourne, FL, the President continued to emphasize this important fact and update the American people on what has been taking place since he became President only 30 days ago.
As the President ran his campaign with the words “Make America Great Again”, this same understanding shouted from speakers moments after Air Force One taxied across the tarmac, and both the President and the First Lady walked to a stage surrounded by an electric crowd. “And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free…”were the lyrics filling the air as the crowd cheered and applauded. If the optimism wasn’t already high, the President begins his speech with these encouraging words, “I’m also here to tell you about our plans for the future. And they’re big and they’re bold, and it’s what our country is all about, believe me.”
As the President continues to address the cheering crowd, he openly shares his transparency about the media and his desire to connect directly with the public. “I also want to speak to you without the filter of the fake news. The dishonest media, which has published one false story after another, with no sources, even though they pretend they have them… They don’t get it, but they’re starting to get it, I can tell you that.” The President continues to point out, “When the media lies to people, I will never, ever, let them get away with it. I will do whatever I can that they don’t get away with it. They have their own agenda, and their agenda is not your agenda.” The President brings attention to what the media has been releasing has not been what the American people have been wanting; “We are not going to let the fake news tell us what to do, how to live, or what to believe. We are free and independent people, and we will make our own choices. We are here today to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I hear your demands, I hear your voices, and I promise you I will deliver. I promise that.”
As some have voiced criticism towards the President’s actions in the White House, one simply cannot ignore the tremendous action that has been taken since the moment his administration took office. The President expressed his concern for the things that many Americans are concerned about. He began to share a multitude of items that were going to be addressed.
“You want low-cost American energy also, which means lifting the restrictions on oil, on shale, on natural gas, and on clean — very clean coal. We’re going to put the miners back to work. The miners go back to work. You want us to enforce our immigration laws and to defend our borders. You want fair trade deals and a level playing field. We don’t have a level playing field. Because you understand that when American workers win, America as a country wins, and wins big… You want lower taxes, less regulation, millions of new jobs, and more products stamped with those beautiful, beautiful words: “Made in the USA.”
As the President pointed out what many Americans want to see happen in their own communities, he also addressed what many Americans want to see happen in their government. “You want a government that serves the people — not the donors and not the special interests. In short, you want a government that keeps its promises.” He also highlighted, “A great spirit of optimism is sweeping — and you see it — it’s sweeping all across the country… It’s going to be a new day in America. You’re going to be proud again.” How beautiful and uplifting it is to hear these words spoken so boldly and truthfully! Things that were, that existed only a few months ago are being completely flipped around.
When the possibility of the Keystone Pipeline was previously stalled and hindered in the previous administration, it will now soon become a reality. “Within a few days of taking the Oath of Office, I’ve taken steps to begin the construction of the Keystone and the Dakota Access pipelines.” As the President continues to share about how this project will bring 30,000 – 40,000 jobs, he details the one question that he asked when the papers were put before him, “Who makes the pipe?” When lawyers told him that the pipe could be made anywhere, this was his response, “I said, not anymore. So I put a little clause on the bottom: The pipe has to be made in the United States of America if we’re going to have pipelines.”
The President’s reputation of an experienced negotiator was highlighted when he described how he avoided a $4.2 billion deal regarding Air Force One and Boeing, as well as Lockheed Martin and the F-35 fighter jet. Because of the President’s negotiations, billions was saved regarding Air Force One, and millions were saved regarding the F-35. As the President addresses these two recent events, he points out this important truth, “But we believe in two simple rules: Buy American and hire American. We believe in them.”
As there has been so much division towards the men and women of our law enforcement in America, President Trump addresses the value of these individuals and the priority of supporting them. “We’re standing up for the incredible men and women, always, of law enforcement. We’re standing up.” He continues to share these sentiments, “So I’ve directed the Department of Justice to take a firm, firm stance to protect our cops, sheriffs and police from crimes of violence against them. We will work with our police, not against our police. Our police do a great job, and they’ve never been troubled like they’re troubled now. It’s very unfair what’s happening. So we want to cherish our law enforcement, and we will always protect those who protect us.” It is so encouraging to hear such uplifting words towards those that seek to protect us and keep our country safe.
The President also spoke openly and bluntly towards the subject of America’s borders and those coming into our borders, “We’ve taken historic action to secure the southern border, and I’ve ordered the construction of a great border wall, which will start very shortly. And I’ve taken decisive action to keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country.” He highlights his most important priority regarding America’s borders, “We’ve got to keep our country safe.” As many have expressed criticism towards the President’s actions on our borders and immigrants coming from certain countries, he responds with these words, “We want people to come into our country, but we want people that love us. We want people that can cherish us and the traditions of our country. We want people that are going to be great for our country. We don’t want people with bad, bad ideas. We don’t want that.”
The encouraging and inspiring words were maintained and carried throughout the entire speech. As President Trump has proved faithful to the many promises proclaimed of what would be done when he began the Presidency, he continues to cast a vision of optimism and hope. What is additionally encouraging is how the First Lady, Melania Trump, opened the President’s speech with a prayer, citing the Lord’s prayer. Be encouraged as you see the entire speech from President Trump, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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