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Home » WATCH! President Trump Interview with CBN, shares about God, the Johnson Amendment and the Persecuted Church

WATCH! President Trump Interview with CBN, shares about God, the Johnson Amendment and the Persecuted Church


President Trump “The Office is So Powerful You need God even more”
These truly are exciting days. We are watching our new leader of the United States make sweeping decisions, repeatedly, one after another; and we are only in the beginning hours of his Presidency. President Trump sat down with David Brody with CBN News and talked about the weight of the Presidency.
‘How has that spiritual journey been for you, especially being here knowing the gravity of the office, how has that spiritual journey been for you?’ Brady asked. The President responded by saying, “I’ve always felt the need to pray…The Office is so powerful that you need God even more because your decisions are no longer ‘gee I’m going to build a building in New York’, these are questions of massive life and death…”
This is so exciting to hear! It is also huge for people all across the world to know the enormous weight and importance that the President, not only understands, but also takes into consideration each and every time he makes a decision. See the full statements from the President, the full interview with CBN News, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: health care, The White House, and prayer. Greg shared in this segment.

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President Trump Delivers on his Promise for Supreme Court Nomination Judge Neil Gorsuch
During the time that Donald Trump campaigned for his Presidency, the open position for the next Supreme Court Justice was a very high priority and he spoke often about that. Now that day has come, and he has not only fulfilled his obligation of nominating the next Supreme Court Justice, but he also highlighted just how high of a concern this is by doing this only days after taking the role of President.
When President Trump sat down with CBN News’ David Brody, Brody asked him about the list of nominees that was being narrowed down, and what was the specific “bottom-line factor” of this choice. President Trump stated, “Well I think it’s also who is going to get approved?”. The President continued to point out, “the vetting process is very strong”. As he spoke about who he was considering, he highlighted “I think evangelicals, Christians will love my pick, and will be represented very fairly”. As it turns out, President Trump has nominated Neil Gorsuch to be the next Supreme Court Justice.
The President spoke about how high of a priority this has been for him in his opening remarks as he announced the nomination. “I made a promise to the American people, if I were elected President, I would find the very best judge, in the country, for the Supreme Court. I promised to select someone who respects our laws and is represented of our Constitution, and who loves our Constitution, and someone who will interpret them as written.” The President continued to point out how he has fulfilled his promises. “I am a man of my word. I will do as I say, Something that the American people have been asking for, from Washington for a very very long time.”
As the President pointed out the extensive resume that makes up Neil Gorsuch’s experience, it can be seen why he was selected. He completed his undergraduate degree at Columbia, his law degree at Harvard, and his doctorate at Oxford. If these achievements were not significant enough, he graduated from each of these with honors. After schooling, he not only clerked for a Supreme Court Justice, he was able to clerk for two different Supreme Court Justices; Justice Byron White and Justice Anthony Kennedy. These are unprecedented achievements on their own, putting them together in one raises the bar to even higher levels.
With this type of educational experience, the President points out what struck him with even more interest. “He could have had any job at any law firm for any amount of money, but what he wanted to do with his career was to be a judge to write decisions, to make an impact by upholding our laws in our Constitution.”
As Gorsuch began to speak he understood that there has been countless men and women that have poured into him, giving him a depth of insight and knowledge as he learned from their experiences and shared wisdom. He wasted no time as he began to acknowledge those.
“For the last decade, I’ve worked as a Federal Judge in a court that spans six western states, serving about 20% of the Continental United States and about 18 million people. The men and women I’ve worked with on every level in our circuit are an inspiration to me.
I’ve watched them fearlessly tending to the rule of law, enforcing the promises of our Constitution, and living out daily their judicial oaths to administer justice equally to rich and poor alike; following the law as they find it and without respect to their personal political beliefs. I think of them tonight.”
We have been tirelessly praying for our Supreme Court since 2009 asking God to move upon the Judicial Branch of our government. It is truly an exciting and monumental moment to see this taking place. It is beautiful to see an individual that recognizes the role of Supreme Court Justice as one who enforces the law and not one that makes law as we have seen being done in the past.
As the President has made this nomination official, Justice Gorsuch is not appointed to the Supreme Court just yet. He now has to pass bipartisan confirmation in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. As we see this momentous occasion taking place, continue to not only lift up our government, but also Justice Gorsuch that his nomination would be confirmed. Be encouraged as you see the President being open about his promises and his fulfillment’s of those promises and the full statements from Justice Gorsuch, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Law of the land, prayers, legislation, congress, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, elastic interpretation, lawyers, bench, Antonin Scalia, and U.S. Constitution. Greg and John shared in this segment.

President Trump Sees Persecuted Christians as a Priority
For a long time the world has witnessed the rise of persecution taking place. Christians throughout the Middle East have been enormously persecuted. A reporter at the time James Foley, was beheaded, and the President at the time, President Obama, responded by playing golf.  It just didn’t make sense. We now have a President that is not only taking decisive action, but is actually caring about the persecution against Christians that is taking place.
When the President sat down with CBN’s David Brody, they discussed this topic. Brody highlighted the refugee that has been taking place and asked specifically about the Christians, if they were a priority to the President. “Yes. They have been horribly treated.” The President continued to point out how Muslims were entering America but for Christians, it was ‘impossible’. The President expressed the realities that were also taking place. “Everybody was persecuted, in all fairness. They were chopping off the heads of everybody, but more so, the Christians. And, I thought it was very, very unfair. So, we are going to help them.”
The nation watched as John and Diane Foley, parents of James Foley, fought deep sobs and pouring streams of tears as they spoke of their beloved son who was beheaded by Radical Islam while reporters flashed their cameras and took copious notes of their heartfelt emotions. They spent every emotion and ounce of energy they could trying to get some type of a response from the Obama Administration.
The reality of persecution in the world is growing to new heights. Open Doors releases a World Watch List every year of the nations that have the highest amount of persecution against Christians. The top five on this list: North Korea, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Sudan. There are another 45 nations on this list that highlight the dangers that so many are facing because of simply being a Christian.
It is such a breath of fresh air and a ray of hope to see our President so forward, so vocal and clear about the realities of persecution and that Christians experiencing this suffering are a priority to him. Continue to not only lift up the President, but also the Persecuted Church throughout the world.

President Trump says He wants to end the Johnson Amendment and how this will Free the Voice of the Church
For many, the words ‘Johnson Amendment’ may not have any special meaning and Christians, they may not understand the importance. When CBN’s David Brody sat down with President Trump, he asked him about the Johnson Amendment and this is what the President said. “One of the things that I said I’m going to try very hard to get done during my term, and I’ll get it done, is the Johnson Amendment, for Evangelicals, for Christians, for everybody of faith; where we’re going to try and end, to terminate the Johnson Amendment, which is a disaster for religion, in my opinion.” Brody interjected, “It’s a priority for you?” and the President immediately responded “Oh it’s a priority, absolutely.” So what exactly is the Johnson Amendment? Kenneth Copeland held a discussion with three other individuals and they tackled this issue head on.
George Pearsons points out how he had recently read the Republican Party’s 2016 Platform and he understood that the Johnson Amendment “prevents us from getting into a pulpit and expressing any political opinion.” As he is expressing his thoughts, David Barton highlights that it was even more vague than that. What was originally created to curb critical speech of those in office by focusing on 501(c)3 status, the focus on the Church was never originally intended. As Barton points out, it wasn’t until the IRS realized that churches are a 501(c)3 status, that the attention was then focused on churches. But, as Barton continues to point out, we have lost the meaning of what a 501(c)3 actually is. “When a Church gets a 501(c)3 letter, it’s called a ‘Letter of Recognition’. It doesn’t grant anything. It recognizes that you’re a Church…” He further pointed out “The reason we don’t tax Churches, and the reason they’re tax exempt, John Marshall… said, ‘the power to tax is the power to destroy’…If you can tax the Church, you can destroy the Church. You can cut out their free speech…” Barton then continued to pull out a stack of papers as he pointed out one after another, booklet after booklet, of different messages that pastors preached from behind the pulpit regarding the different highlights of the political climate during the days of our founding father. With a stack of Christian messages about political topics mounting in from of him, he declares, ““Suddenly in America, we can’t do what the Bible says anymore; at least we’re told that. So, the Johnson Amendment is what is used by the critics to say the Church has lost its right of free speech from the pulpit.” This is monumental as the excuse not to preach about the events of the day will no longer exist.
It is important that we not only know what is happening in Washington D.C., but that we also understand what is happening and why it is happening. These are the important topics that are discussed daily on VFNtv, with a Biblical perspective to give you hope and encouragement. Be informed as you see the full exchange about this “priority” as President Trump explains, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: sermons, John Hancock, George Whitfield, marriage, property tax, stamp tax, earthquakes, solar eclipse, sailors, climate change, and unions. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Reverend Samuel Rodriguez Prays at President Trump’s Inauguration 

It is so exciting to see how Christian Broadcasting News has been allowed a one-on-one interview with the President after only days in the White House. God has established new leadership. When President Trump took office, he invited multiple Christian leaders to pray. One of these was Reverend Samuel Rodriguez who leads many Hispanic churches. When Reverend Rodriguez spoke he repeated the words of Jesus from Matthew 5: 3-16. Just as Jesus spoke to the crowds of people from a mountainside, Reverend Rodriguez spoke the teachings of Jesus to tens of thousands of people! See the full prayer from Reverend Rodriguez, the full Inaugural Speech from President Trump, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prayer, leadership, humility, and the Kingdom of God. Greg and John shared in this segment. 


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