LISTEN NOW! For a long time the world has witnessed the rise of persecution taking place. Christians throughout the Middle East have been enormously persecuted. A reporter at the time James Foley, was beheaded, and the President at the time, President Obama, responded by playing golf. It just didn’t make sense. We now have a President that is not only taking decisive action, but is actually caring about the persecution against Christians that is taking place.
When the President sat down with CBN’s David Brody, they discussed this topic. Brody highlighted the refugee that has been taking place and asked specifically about the Christians, if they were a priority to the President. “Yes. They have been horribly treated.” The President continued to point out how Muslims were entering America but for Christians, it was ‘impossible’. The President expressed the realities that were also taking place. “Everybody was persecuted, in all fairness. They were chopping off the heads of everybody, but more so, the Christians. And, I thought it was very, very unfair. So, we are going to help them.”
The nation watched as John and Diane Foley, parents of James Foley, fought deep sobs and pouring streams of tears as they spoke of their beloved son who was beheaded by Radical Islam while reporters flashed their cameras and took copious notes of their heartfelt emotions. They spent every emotion and ounce of energy they could trying to get some type of a response from the Obama Administration.
The reality of persecution in the world is growing to new heights. Open Doors releases a World Watch List every year of the nations that have the highest amount of persecution against Christians. The top five on this list: North Korea, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Sudan. There are another 45 nations on this list that highlight the dangers that so many are facing because of simply being a Christian.
It is such a breath of fresh air and a ray of hope to see our President so forward, so vocal and clear about the realities of persecution and that Christians experiencing this suffering are a priority to him. Continue to not only lift up the President, but also the Persecuted Church throughout the world.
Courtesy of Photosebia/Shutterstock.com
Courtesy of Photosebia/Shutterstock.com
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