“We Will Have Israel’s Back Every Time”, Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley Stands up For Israel. Is the United Nation’s Unstoppable Voting Bloc against Israel Coming to an End?
We have continually watched how the United Nations has repeatedly responded one sided towards issues regarding Israel. Yet some would think that this would be a moment when the nations of the world come together to discuss fairly about issues taking place. Why is there such an overwhelming dogmatic focus upon Israel? The Jerusalem Institute of Justice does an outstanding job as they peer into the history of the United Nations and reveal how, not only repeated resolutions are produced against Israel, but also, that certain countries have come together to discredit the United States and also redefine Zionismas a form of Racism? Is all of this soon coming to an end?
Over the last eight years, there has been a deafening silence to stand up against the egregious allegations and condemnations against Israel while the Obama Administration was in leadership. It seemed that Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was the only one standing up and expressing his frustration with the United Nations. When speaking to the General Assembly in October of 2015, Prime Minister Netanyahu reminded the Assembly of Iran’s declaration that “there will be no Israel in 25 years”. He then scowled at every individual that was present when he continued with these words; “The response from this body, the response from nearly every one of the governments represented here has been absolutely nothing. UTTER SILENCE! DEAFENING SILENCE!” The Prime Minister then demonstrated the sound of this deafening silence as not a single word, nor sound was uttered for the next 45 seconds.
But, there is good news to be heard. There is a new Administration in town. As President Trump has now taken Office and established his Cabinet members, restoration has come to the relationship between America and Israel. In addition, President Trump has established Nikki Haley as the new United States Ambassador to the United Nations. With this new Ambassador sitting behind the “United States” placard at the United Nations, there is a new voice backing up Israel once again.
When Ambassador Haley recently spoke with Fox News she talked about how America would stand alongside Israel in this environment. “The U.N. has been Israel bashing for decades, and what we are trying to do is make sure they understand there is a new administration in town. We’re not going to put up with it. We’re going to have the backs of Israel every time they do this.” This is such an exciting reality to see such a turning. This is a window of time. This is a Jubilee year.
What is additionally encouraging is that the Lord spoke prophetically through Pastor John Kilpatrick, at Church of His Presence in Daphne, AL, and the Lord revealed to him the significance of the days that we are living in. Unexpectedly, the Holy Spirit asked Pastor Kilpatrick how to spell Truman. Then again, how to spell Trump. After spelling both, The Holy Spirit asked another question; “Who did President Truman lean on to get the Jews back in the Holy Land?” When Pastor Kilpatrick replied “General Eisenhower”, the Holy Spirit began to speak once again. “I have raised up Trump and I am also giving him Generals to help defend My people, the Jews, to keep them in their homeland. What was will be again.”
In one phone call, the relationship between Israel and America had been restored: President Trump calling Prime Minister Netanyahu. God wants America to stand with Israel. This is a time of Jubilee. Thank God for our leaders and those that President Trump has established and placed in the Cabinet position. Be encouraged as you see the importance of standing with Israel, how America’s relationship with Israel has been restored, and what this means for America, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: breakthrough, restoration, Communism, Jordan, Egypt, truth, and rumors. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
Priscilla Shirer’s Inspirational Words of How Good Father God is
When War Room hit the box office screen, many filled the seats to be encouraged in their walk with the Lord. What some may not know is the main female role was cast by Priscilla Shirer, the daughter of Pastor Tony Evans, who is also a well-known speaker. Shirer recently shared additionally encouraging words at a woman’s conference. Sometimes we forget who we are in Christ. In this conference, she reminds us not only who we are, but who our Father is and how good He is. “And what if, you got a good look at your God, and remembering who He is; and that you belong to Him.” Some may have asked the question, “Girl, who is your Daddy?” But, they’ve never heard Priscilla Shirer answer that question. “The world can’t understand Him. Armies can’t defeat Him. Schools can’t explain Him; and leaders, they can’t ignore Him. Herod couldn’t kill Him. Nero couldn’t crush Him. The New Age cannot replace Him and Oprah cannot explain Him away.” You will surely be encouraged, lifted up, and reminded about who God is and how He clearly sees you. See the full speech from Priscilla Shirer, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Architect, Creation, pierced, life, hope, goodness, faithfulness, and truth. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.