Carmen Welker Williams serves on the ministry team that is serving Apostle Kadiri while he is here in America. She talks about how she has witnessed the beginning signs of revival taking place. When someone was diagnosed with cancer, the ministry team prayed for him and today he is cancer free. The same miracle took place when they prayed for a man diagnosed with a liver disease. She shares the encouraging word not to agree with what has been spoke out by doctors, but to believe the Word of the Lord and to walk in faith that you are healed.
Part 2 Interview with Apostle Isaiah Kadiri the Persecuted Church Revival is at the Door Step on the Gulf Coast
As the conversation with Apostle Isaiah Kadiri continues, he shares about the grim realities of persecution that are happening to the Nigerian people. The media has reported about the continual attacks from terror groups such as Boko Haram, but groups such as these are not as wide spread as some may think. The persecution happening to the Christians in Nigeria is mainly occurring within the Northern region of Nigeria.
Voice of the Martyrs Canada reveals the shocking realities that are taking place to these families, many of which, are young children. VOM Canada explains how more than 300 children in a Christian orphanage witnessed such persecution and terrorism; “many of them have witnessed unspeakable horrors and very emotional or physical scars.” Countless children and their families are woken up in the middle of the night to gunfire and the flames of their villages burning to the ground. Through the mouth of a young boy, Elijah, he recounts this horrible reality, “About three in the morning when we heard gunshots in our village my parents and my brothers tried to escape by running but we meet some of the riders in the road killing people cutting people with cutlasses I was cut with a cutlass and fainted and fell down like a dead man.” Others experienced the same fate and awoke to realize that their parents had been murdered along with the majority of their siblings. Consumed with the grief of losing their family and the anger to retaliate after such acts of evil, these children are counseled with the Love of Christ by their pastors. Another young boy explains, “I was told by my pastor when someone hurts you, you have to forgive them because God is the one who judges everyone.”
When another young girl thought she would not live to see another day, experiencing the same type of terrorist attack, she found refuge and safety hiding in the toilets of her village. “I thought I was going to die anyway I was praying that God should forgive my sins.” She survived, but also received a gunshot to her leg. Amidst all of this evil taking place in the Northern Region of Nigeria, the devil is not winning the battle. The Gospel is still advancing and unable to be stopped. What the enemy meant for bad, God is using it for good.
While the Body of Christ can pray for the Church in Nigeria, Apostle Kadiri also explains how we must empower others. He shares about an encounter the Lord fulfilled in his life. After seeing a crying woman, the Holy Spirit prompted him to talk to her. He gave her the equivalent of $300 and led her to Christ. After helping her with her basic needs, he found out that she could buy and sell and helped her start her own business. She is now living on her own, and training her children up with the same business practices so that they are able to support themselves. It’s not just about giving people food, it’s about empowering them.
The Church needs finances in order to empower the society. The adversary has been holding these resources back, but rest assured, God is aware and He is over all of this. There is a coming transfer of wealth to the Body of Christ. It is Kingdom principles that begin to change everything.
As people receive a heart and compassion for the Nigerian people, many have the desire to help. Apostle Kadiri is the point of contact for those wanting to minister in Nigeria. His ministry team is in the process of building an International Missions Center. If someone wants to evangelize the nation of Nigeria with the Gospel, serve in hospitals, work in orphanages, or train up pastors, Apostle Kadiri can make those desires and dreams a reality.
While Apostle Kadiri is witnessing a powerful move of God in Nigeria, he is also in America fanning the flames of revival. As the Lord has revealed to him, a great coming move of God is about to break forth in America; and it will start in the Gulf Coast of America. As he explains, he saw a “mighty spinning wind” in Mobile Bay, which is also known as the Bay of the Holy Spirit.

Apostle Kadiri continues to fan the flames of revival by pointing out “this is the end time revival”. As he further explains, the move of God has already begun, all the church has to do is position itself. Christ is already at the door. This is nothing like what we may know before. “Healings will be everywhere. Power will return back to the Church.” People will no longer be able to hold back. The hunger for the Holy Spirit will be so strong. Maybe you have revival in your heart. It’s time to rise up and respond to the promptings and leadings of the Holy Spirit. God is gathering up harvesters to be a part of this end time harvest. When people come to Christ, we must disciple them and mature them in Christ. As we prepare for this move of God, Apostle Kadiri reminds the Church in America, “My message to the American people is to get out of your comfort zone.” When we share what God has placed within our hearts with others, that is when we come alive.
Allow the flames and fires of revival to be stirred up within your heart as you hear the exciting testimonies and stories from Apostle Kadiri, as well as receiving a heart of compassion for the Persecuted Church in Nigeria, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Radical Islam, martyrs, mission field, Boko Haram, evangelism, Saul, VFN Kingdom Business, The Latter Rain, and Emmaus Road Discipleship. Greg and Apostle Kadiri shared in this segment.