LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) Can you imagine, as a pastor, being ordered by the government to turn in your sermons? That actually happened in the state of Texas. While the shocking realities of what took place cannot be undone, Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott is taking actions so that it doesn’t happen again. As the Christian Post is reporting, Governor Abbot signed Senate Bill 24 into law, also known as ‘Sermon Safeguard Bill’. “Efforts to erode religious liberty are a threat to all liberty, and our religious leaders must be absolutely secure in the knowledge that religious freedom is beyond the reach of government”, said Governor Abbott the issue. We must be aware of when our Constitutional rights are being infringed and recognize when actions are being made to protect them. Also, shared in this segment: First Amendment Rights, Sermon Safeguard Bill, and faith. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of Jiri Flogel/shutterstock.com
Courtesy of Jiri Flogel/shutterstock.com
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