The Prime Minister describes a common misconception about why so many in the region hate Israel. But, it is not for the reason that many would think. “They used to say that the Militant Islamists hate the West because of Israel. It’s actually the other way around, they hate Israel because of the West.” He continues to describe the values that are loathed so much within the society of Israel. “Because we represent the free society built on the foundation of Judeo-Christian heritage. This is the society that they despise so much. Israel is the bull work of freedom in the heart of the Middle East.”
Trump Speaks Candidly to Christian Base on N. Korea, Russia, Tax Reform and Ending Obama Care
During the President’s schedule, he speaks to seemingly endless crowds about every topic imaginable. Whether it is speaking to world leaders, sharing his weekly address, or specific interviews, the President has to be on top of an endless list of topics effecting our country. In a recent interview, he sat down with CBN News Founder, Pat Robertson, and discuss some of these pressing issues. It is so good to see how friendly President Trump is to the Church and have such a candid conversation about many of the topics taking place throughout the world.
The President understands the high order of responsibility that he walked into as President, yet it is so encouraging to hear his optimism as he shared about topics ranging from North Korea, to Russia, and taxes. As he shares a beginning list of issues that needs addressing, he highlights how his Administration has responded to ISIS. “…in 5 months, we have done more against ISIS than anybody has done since the beginning. We’re having tremendous success with that.”
As the President comments on North Korea’s development of ICBM’s, he highlights that this is not just a United States problem. “We’re looking at lots of different ways, lots of different countries, including China. I think China would like to see this problem go away. It’s a big problem for them.” The President commented on his relationship with the President of China and sees their relationship as a positive asset in responding to the dangers that North Korea is posing.
It is so vitally important that we deal with North Korea, IN North Korea, and not allow this threat to reach American soil. The Lord has shown us prophetically that there is a strategic plan by Russia, China, and North Korea to draw us over to their region in war. The Lord has also given a prophetic dream to Isaiah Ramos regarding Kim jung-Un and his plans. In this encounter from the Lord, Isaiah shares about being in the White House, how he helped former President Barack Obama, and that he had seen Kim jun-Un arriving at the White House. When we understand what the Lord has revealed to us prophetically, we can see the positive perspective of President Trump’s actions to handle North Korea in that region.
As Robertson turns the direction towards the topic of Vladimir Putin, he asks what the President’s take is on Putin. The President spoke frankly as he shared, “Well he wants what’s good for Russia, and I want what’s good for the United States…but always Putin is going to want Russia and Trump is going to want the United States and that’s the way it is.” The President continued to speak on his time that he met with Putin. “Sometimes you’re not going to get along on things and sometimes you will. But we had a good meeting, it was a face to face meeting, it was a long meeting. It was two hours and 15 minutes.” When you understand the nuclear abilities that both America and Russia have, you understand the need for a relationship. The President explained, “We are a tremendously powerful nuclear power, and so are they. It doesn’t make sense not to have some kind of a relationship”.
The President highlights how much of a different reality his Presidency is for Putin compared to what would be taking place if Hillary would have filled this role. “As an example, if Hillary had won, our military would be decimated. Our energy would be much more expensive. That’s what Putin doesn’t like about me. And that’s why I say, why would he want me? Because from day one I wanted a strong military, he doesn’t want to see that.” It’s important to remember where our country has been over the last eight years. God has shifted the entire world. Presently we are now exporting resources that the current administration said we didn’t have enough of. America is prospering once again. This is a huge testimony to the mercies of God!
President Trump shared about how America is once again exporting LNG and the removal of many regulations in our government. “We have LNG exporting all over. We have taken off some of the regulations that were making it impossible for the energy companies, impossible for banks, and impossible for a lot of different things.” Exporting natural resources is only the beginning. “The stock market is the highest its every been…don’t forget, one of my first acts was the Keystone Pipeline and the Dakota Access pipeline. These two things got approved immediately. They would have never gotten built.” These developments have generated thousands of jobs, according to the President.
Another hot topic in Washington is the subject of Obamacare and it being repealed and replaced. Amidst the continual back and forth tug-o-war regarding this issue, President Trump expressed his willingness, and readiness to sign the bill the moment he is presented with it. “I am sitting in the Oval Office with a pen in hand, waiting for our senators to give it to me. For years, they’ve been talking about repeal-replace, repeal-replace.” He highlights that Obama would never had signed a repeal and replace bill for Obamacare, but President Trump is more than willing. He’s waiting. The President isn’t just focusing on healthcare, but also the urgent need to change the present tax code. “If we get what we want, it will be the biggest tax cut and the greatest tax reform in the history of our country.”
The President also shared on the overwhelming mismanagement of the Middle East during the last administration, which has caused the infrastructure of America to be sorely neglected. “We will have, in another few months, have spent $7 Trillion in the Middle East. And then if you want to spend $2 in a school…they don’t want to give you the money.” The President understands our return on this investment. “Here is what we got for it. Nothing. The Middle East is a mess!”
As the President understands the much-needed change in our country, he also understands the laws that were in place that have put limitations on religion. He points to the Johnson Amendment and what he has done since his time in office. “I have gotten rid of the Johnson Amendment. Now were going to try and get rid of it permanently in Congress. But, I signed an executive order, so that now, people like you, people I want to hear from: ministers, and preachers, and rabbis, and whoever it may be, they can speak. You know, you couldn’t speak politically before. Now you can.” If the President’s words couldn’t be more uplifting and optimistic, he expresses the actions of the previous administration eloquently while responding to what will soon be brought back in America. “Our country was going in the wrong direction. And by the way, what they were doing to religious liberty, they were destroying religious liberty. You will be saying ‘Merry Christmas’ very soon!”
This is such an outstanding turn of directions from where our country was heading. You will be sure to be lifted up and encouraged when you see the full interview with Pat Robertson, President Trump, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Vladimir Putin, North Korea, prophecy, Holy Spirit, Dumitri Duduman, CBN News, Pat Robertson, taxes, healthcare, infrastructure, military, jobs, stock market, Evangelicals, The Johnson Amendment, The Keystone Pipeline, The Dakota Pipeline, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Wealth Transfer in America when Embassy moved to Jerusalem; Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses Christians United For Israel Washington D.C Summit
It is so exciting to see the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu taking his time to greet Pastor Hagee and all the exuberant supporters of Israel who took part in this year’s CUFI Annual Summit in Washington D.C. As is customary to the optimism and encouragement to the Prime Minister, Prime Minister Netanyahu wasted no time expressing his deep gratitude for the United States of America and the close bonds its citizens share with the citizens of Israel. “The millions and the many millions in the United States, and elsewhere, the Christian friends in Israel, you are always there for us. We have no better friends on Earth than you.”
The Prime Minister recalls that fateful day when all the Israelis heard the news that the Temple Mount was in their hands and the Jewish people were able to travel to the Western Wall for the first time and place their hands on the stones that were so precious to their heritage, and their lives. “I remember that when we touched those stones, we felt that we were connecting with the very core of our history. I know that when you visit Israel, when you come to Jerusalem, you feel that same connection.”
As he highlights this remarkable memory, he addresses how the Temple Mount is in the center of religious controversy, and how many have perceived the state of Israel falsely. The Prime Minister shares about the deep culture within Israel that stands out amidst all of its neighbors in the region.
“The only place where you have religious freedom guaranteed is Israel. The only place where you have Christian communities throughout the Middle East, the only place that they thrive, that they grow, that they not only survive, but they have a future, that place is Israel…Israel represents the freedom that we all cherish.”

The Prime Minister deeply shares his heart as he extends his genuine thanks for everyone that stands for Israel. “I want to tell you that we appreciate your support. I want to tell you, that when I look around the world, there is real meaning to what I said before. When I say that we have no greater friends than the many, many millions of Christian supporters of Israel in the United States and also in other parts of the world, I mean it. I know you’ve always, always stood with us.”
This is such an uplifting and encouraging moment to see so many supporters of Israel gathered in one place, and to see the Prime Minister deeply sharing his heart of gratitude for our support. It is important to remember that God watches over Israel. If you have not yet joined Christians United for Israel (CUFI), take the time to join their impactful organization. See the full conversation and prayers for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Ministers full comments, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem, Israel, CUFI Annual Summit, Pastor John Hagee, Radical Islam, Militant Islamists, religious freedom, and prayer.