Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » Civil Christianity Walking Together in LOVE: Join the Movement Today- Civil Christianity.org

Civil Christianity Walking Together in LOVE: Join the Movement Today- Civil Christianity.org


When Jesus walked the Earth, He wasn’t caught up with the happenings in the world, or the agendas of politics that were taking place in other nations. People often tried to urge Jesus to stay. In Luke 4:43, Jesus said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” This is exactly what we, as the Church, are called to do. We are called to transform nations for the Glory of God. Bill Bright received a profound revelation from the Lord on how this is carried out. This is now known as the 7 Mountains of Culture; Family, Education, Government, Arts & Entertainment, Religion (The Church), Media, and Business. We must stand up for the Constitution, for what is right and what is true. Love must be our motive in all that we do. Today, we have the gift of those who walked this out in previous generations. One great example of this demonstration is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Continue Reading…

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