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Home » “Our Nation Needs Something Besides Religion” Two of God’s Generals: Peter Wagner & Steve Hill share Precious Wisdom

“Our Nation Needs Something Besides Religion” Two of God’s Generals: Peter Wagner & Steve Hill share Precious Wisdom


There is no greater wisdom than to listen to the very words of those who lived out the many seasons that are experienced in this life. There is no greater example of this than the lives of Peter Wagner and Steve Hill, two Generals of the faith. As men who have not only witnessed so much, they have also been used mightily by God to advance His Kingdom. They sat down together and shared precious wisdom about what they see not only in America, but what is still yet to come.

Steve Hill cuts right to the topics that matter the most when he points out the state of the Church in America. He doesn’t just point out that something is wrong, but tells it like it is. “Our nation, right now, is in terrible shape. Our nation needs something besides religion”. He further explains, “Religion is hanging around the Cross, Christianity is getting on the Cross.” As some may be taken back by these direct statements, Steve Hill reminds us not to get offended. Continue Reading…

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Together In The Harvest Ministries

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