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Home » Speaking God’s Word in the Atmosphere Breaks Brass Heavens

Speaking God’s Word in the Atmosphere Breaks Brass Heavens


 It was a powerful time when the Lord poured out His Spirit on Father’s Day of 1995 at 3100 West Desoto Street in Pensacola, Florida, in what is now known as The Brownsville Revival. Derrick Prince described the days before the revival with these words, “I have been all over the Earth, many times, I’ve never been a place on the Earth that had such an open heaven that Pensacola does.”

But, the days preceding this outpouring were anything but powerful. At the time, Pensacola was known as the abortion capital as abortion doctors were being killed. It was during this season that Pastor Kilpatrick was directed by The Lord, “If you preach what I give you on television, if you preach what I give you at Brownsville, I’ll begin to open the heavens.”  It was the same terminology that Jesus used in John 1:51, “Very truly I tell you, you will see ‘heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on’ the Son of Man.”  It was this revelation that Pastor Kilpatrick wrote his book When the Heavens Are Brass. Continue Reading…

Courtesy of Ase/Shutterstock.com

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