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Home » WATCH! The Year of the Eagles; God is Sending His Eagles Out!

This is the year of the eagle! If you’ve been wondering what has been going on, it is important to have a prophetic perspective from the Lord about the happenings taking place in the nation and the world. When the Lord speaks to us through a prophet about the times ahead, God is speaking to us prophetically about what has yet to happen.
In a recent message that Pastor John Kilpatrick shared at Church of His Presence in Daphne, Alabama, Pastor Kilpatrick shares about the encouraging story of what he saw on his back porch one fateful morning. “…there was a bald eagle on my back porch…and whenever he flew, his wings had to be seven to eight feet…” What is additionally encouraging is what took place as Pastor Kilpatrick left his home. His grandson also saw the bald eagle, he told Pastor Kilpatrick what happened. “That bald eagle followed your truck, about thirty feet above your truck. It just circled your truck until you left the property.”
During that same morning that this bald eagle was flying over Pastor Kilpatrick’s truck, a prophetic word was being declared at 2 AM. Andy Sanders released prophetically, “America: I Am Sending My Eagles Up into the Skies“. As Sanders explains, under the unction of the Lord, he says,
“I have looked down upon My cities,” says the Lord. “I am placing the eagles over My cities as the watchmen who tower into the skies. Every city will have watchmen on the walls, watchmen from within, and watchmen in the skies. I am sending My eagles up into the skies to see far out in advance in order to warn My people of distant trouble.”
Sanders continues, “Do not be afraid of your enemies who will try to strike fear in your hearts. Fear is not of My hand nor of My Kingdom. I have called you to pray; I have called you to stand at the gates of your city and seek My face, becoming a shield of protection for those behind you. I will be with you as you stand in the gap. I am using you as My instrument of peace, protection, and healing over your land.”
As Sanders addresses, we should not be fearful or concerned about the growing shakings and travesties that are happening throughout the world. “Tragedy shouldn’t be a surprise because someone somewhere will be warned in order to inform God’s people. It is time to be able to hear and see what is before us at a much greater level than what we currently are.” God took care of His prophets during the days of Elijah, and the Lord is continuing to do so in our day. “I will cause My soaring eagles to become like a shield of fire within the skies—a banner of protection to their cities. The enemy’s plans will no longer be a hidden mystery to My prophets or My people. I will send My people to the front lines quicker than first responders can arrive on the scene.” This is a time of great encouragement as we see the people of the Lord do great and mighty things for the Lord.
Greg Lancaster has also shared how the Lord took him in the very cave where God was preserving the prophets. It was in this cave that he saw eagles perched and waiting to be sent out. As soon as Greg saw the eagles soaring out of the cave America began to go through difficult times. It was as if America and the whole world was rocking, but God’s people would not rock.
The eagles are there to warn, prophetically, what is going to happen. Some people have been speaking prophetically, but then responded to the naysayers and stopped speaking what God directed them to say. If God is speaking to you, it is time to boldly share what the Lord has revealed to you. It will be difficult to hear the voice of the Lord in times of hardship and difficulty. Now is the time to hear and know His voice.

As we consider all that the Lord has prophetically revealed about eagles, and how He uses them, it is no surprise that the Philadelphia Eagles have won this year’s Super Bowl, Super Bowl LII. For those who watched the game, it was a fantastic duel from start to finish. Moments after the Eagles achieved victory of the Patriots, Philadelphia’s Head Coach, Doug Pederson, gave credit where credit was due. When asked about how Pederson achieved such a notable feat, he shared, ‘I can only give the praise to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for giving me this opportunity.’

But, what some may not be aware of is the encouraging testimonies that were shared before the game even began. During pre-game interviews, Tight End for the Philadelphia Eagles, Zach Ertz shares, “I was baptized in March and got married the next day; and our marriage has been built on that foundation of the Word and Jesus and it’s changed my life.”

Philadelphia’s Quarterback nick Foles also shared where his strength comes from. “My faith in the Lord is everything…I’m a believer in Jesus Christ. That is first and foremost.” Foles continues, “I wouldn’t be able to do this game without Him. I don’t have the strength to come out here and do this. This is supernatural.” As Foles explains, it’s not about the prosperities of the platform that being an NFL player brings, but instead, to boast in his weaknesses. “Whenever I was at my lowest, that is where my relationship with Christ grew.”

The Lord also spoke to Brett Holderbaum about what happened during the game and what would be taking place. In the game, the New England Patriots fumbled the ball in the fourth quarter which ended up being turned over to the Philadelphia Eagles. This is what he heard the Lord share with him.
“What began with a fumble will end with a fumble. 2018 God is beginning to right the wrongs across the globe. No longer will the enemy steal from God’s children. God is beginning to right the wrongs across this nation. Backdoor deals and what has been good for business no longer matters say the Lord. Righteousness will prevail. No longer will the enemy impose his way on my people. I am the Lord God Almighty and I am protecting my people. I am exposing evil and tearing down what man has made for the benefit of the dollar. I am taking this nation and uncovering its darkness. As this darkness is uncovered my people’s eyes will be open. My light is going to shine in all the dark areas. Alleys and basements where deals are made will be exposed to the light. Darkness will try to flee only to be exposed to the light. I saw the insects and things that like to hide in the darkness trying to flee to more darkness, but there was nowhere to go. They were exposed.”
All of these evil happenings have not gone unnoticed. The Lord is rooting them out and replacing these injustices with His justice. Maybe you are called to impact the Arts & Entertainment Mountain just as these athletes are doing. We want to empower you and equip you to reach out where the Lord has called you to be. See the full conversation about what the Lord is doing through His Eagles, the prophetic event of the Philadelphia Eagles winning the Super Bowl, and so much more. Also shared in this segment; prophetic word, Holy Spirit, prophecy, The Year of the Eagle, Pastor John Kilpatrick, Church of His Presence, the Lord’s prophet’s, Days of Elijah, Best of Times and Worst of Times, Super Bowl Champs Philadelphia Eagles, Super Bowl 52, Patriots versus Eagles, Super Bowl LII, CBN News, CBN Sports, and testimony. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Depending on who you cheered for in this year’s Super Bowl, some may still be cheering the victory of the Philadelphia Eagles being the Super Bowl champs. What some may not be aware of, is that the Lord has prophetically revealed that this is the Year of the Eagle. As we consider all that the Lord has prophetically revealed about eagles, and how He uses them, it is no surprise that the Philadelphia Eagles have won this year’s Super Bowl, Super Bowl LII.
For those who watched the game, it was a fantastic duel from start to finish. Moments after the Eagles achieved victory over the Patriots, Philadelphia’s Head Coach, Doug Pederson, gave credit where credit was due. When asked about how Pederson achieved such a notable feat, he shared, ‘I can only give the praise to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for giving me this opportunity.’
But, what some may not be aware of is the encouraging testimonies that were shared before the game even began. During pre-game interviews, Tight End for the Philadelphia Eagles, Zach Ertz shares, “I was baptized in March and got married the next day; and our marriage has been built on that foundation of the Word and Jesus and it’s changed my life.”
Philadelphia’s Quarterback Nick Foles also shared where his strength comes from. “My faith in the Lord is everything…I’m a believer in Jesus Christ. That is first and foremost.” Foles continues, “I wouldn’t be able to do this game without Him. I don’t have the strength to come out here and do this. This is supernatural.” As Foles explains, it’s not about the prosperities of the platform that being an NFL player brings, but instead, to boast in his weaknesses. “Whenever I was at my lowest, that is where my relationship with Christ grew.”
Maybe you are called to impact the Arts & Entertainment Mountain just as these athletes are doing. We want to empower you and equip you to reach out where the Lord has called you to do so. See the full conversation about how these athletes share how the Lord is strength in their lives, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Super Bowl LII, Super Bowl 52, Super Bowl Champions Philadelphia Eagles, Doug Pederson, NFL, CBN Sports, Zach Ertz, Nick Foles, encouragement, hope, testimony, Holy Spirit, baptism, and faith. Greg and John shared in this segment. 

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