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Home » Jason Upton; Worship Leader Shares about God as Father

Jason Upton; Worship Leader Shares about God as Father



Jason Upton shares his journey, his perspective and love of worship. He talks about how Jesus shows us the Father’s heart. Jesus shows us how to be fully human and connected to this world and at the same time to be fully connected to the Father. His perspective on leading worship is to invite people into the real presence of God. “Entertainment is to detain people from entry.” Meaning that when someone comes to entertain in leading worship then it stops people from entering the presence of God. Jason’s wisdom to up and coming worship leaders is to know that, “Expression puts a cap on worship…there is an end to it. Jesus didn’t say much about singing to Him, but He said a lot about following Him; when we make the activity of following Jesus, that’s the goal of worship.” When you make your goal about the activity of following Jesus, “there is no end to this worship…when activity is happening the expression is endless.” Jason continues sharing that the Church needs to trust the “way” of Jesus. We need to decide to follow the Jesus way and realize that this way is the only way we find true life. Watch or listen to hear the full interview and be encouraged. We want to hear from you! Also shared in this segment: Rags to Riches Ministries, song writing, singing, worship. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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