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Home » Todd White: Jesus is Perfect and IS the Will of GOD- Lifestyle Christianity

Todd White: Jesus is Perfect and IS the Will of GOD- Lifestyle Christianity



Jesus is truly perfect theology; we can look at Jesus and understand His life and see how perfect He is. Todd White, of Lifestyle Christianity, explains this concept for us. “Jesus is the will of God. Anything you see in the life of Jesus is exactly what God would do and exactly what God would say. Jesus never did anything apart from the Father, showing Him to do it. And, He never said anything apart from the Father, that told Him what to say.” This shows how Jesus was able to powerfully minister to others and all He continually did as Todd explains, “He preached, He taught, He healed.”

Be encouraged to follow Jesus’ example and live how He lives. You can be discipled at Emmaus Road Discipleship and be taught how to follow Jesus’ example. It is time for us, the Church, to live our lives as Jesus did! If we need to know if we are living right, we can look at Jesus and compare our lives to His life. Bill Johnson, of Bethel Church, said it best. “Jesus is Perfect Theology.” Be empowered and encouraged about the simplicity of Jesus’ life and to make any changes in our lives to be lined up with Jesus’ walk every day. Maybe you are ready to decide to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life? We don’t know when our last day on this earth will be. You can make the decision today! Visit Meet My Father to read our stories and read how you can make Jesus the Lord of your life. Also shared in this segment: Vine Seminar, Emmaus Road Discipleship, Abiding, relationships, and evangelism. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 

Courtesy of enterlinedesign/Shutterstock.com

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