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Home » VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning- Coach Bobby Knight


Here is a new VFNKB Success Secret! Coach Bobby Knight shares with us keys to winning. “Don’t be satisfied with the fact that you have memorized that you want to talk about; I think preparation is so much more important than the will to win…think of all the times you wish you would have said no…I think the word no is the most important word in the English language…What we can do is, I can change no to yes if I should, but I have said yes first then I get in a real bind and this doesn’t work. Then how am I going to get out of this mess I got in to. The most important question that you can ask a person is, why? …Then I think you know whether you want to do this or not.” It is hard work and preparation that wins the race, not just hard work alone. Also, it is the ability to say no, being able to say no because you know what your vision is and where you need to go. Finally, know your why. If things in your life are bogged down, it is most likely because you forgot your why. Rediscovering your why is so important and at VFNKB we want to help you with that! We want to hear from you and you can email us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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Bobby Knight on `The Power of Negative Thinking’ 
Emmaus Road Discipleship
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