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#WisdomMoments First things First



In this wisdom moment, we share the importance of having a fear of the Lord as you acquire knowledge.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10

If you have not yet been given the gift of the fear of the Lord, then you can ask God for it! A prayer that we pray at the VFN Prayer and Fasting Community is: Father release the spirit of the fear of God into mine and all Your Church’s hearts. Release the lightning and thunder from Your Throne to strike our hearts. Release Your presence and holy dread that makes us tremble before You. Unite our hearts to Your heart and Word and cause us to delight in the fear of God.

Also, if we don’t spend time with God, there is no reverential fear of Him! When you look at the Proverbs above you can see that those who do not have a fear of God, have no wisdom because the starting point is the fear of God!

Greg gives an example of how a child can have a healthy fear of their parents. When your parents have told you to do something, and you know to get it done before they get home from work, in a healthy relationship, you will get the task done because you know there are consequences for not obeying them.

There is no fear of anything in our culture today. When you look back several decades, most people had a fear of God even if they didn’t have a relationship with Him! Now even people that claim to know God have no fear of Him. To have a healthy fear of God then you first must be aware of Him. You can’t only have a fear of Him once a week on Sunday or only when you are in trouble, you must always have it and be aware of His presence and that He is always there.

Secondly, because you fear the Lord, you are a disciple of Jesus. This is understanding the teachings of Jesus and applying it to your life. If you desire to become a disciple of Jesus, you can start today on Emmaus Road and begin your discipleship journey.

Next, you must be aware there are consequences for sin. When you walk in a fear of God, it leads you to make good choices because you know the consequences of not following Him and not obeying Him is death, eternity without Him. God’s mercy is so amazing how even when someone is living in sin, He allows them to live, so they have the chance to make Him the Lord of their life and to spend eternity with Him!

Also, we must have a knowledge and understanding of God and learn things about Him daily. A person of wisdom soaks in the knowledge of God and gains understanding. Therefore, it is important to spend time with God and read His Word daily! If you need a plan on how to spend time with Him, you can get your free plan at iAbide today! We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg, John, and Pat shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Storyblocks.com

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