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Home » Mr. Rogers: Graceful receiving is one if the most wonderful gifts we can give anybody.

Mr. Rogers: Graceful receiving is one if the most wonderful gifts we can give anybody.




Are you a good receiver? We continue the conversation about Mr. Rogers, of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Mr. Rogers did many things in his life. He was a children’s television presenter, actor, puppeteer, singer, composer, television producer, author, educator, and Presbyterian Minister. His life was recently recognized through a new documentary, Won’t You be my Neighbor, which is the 13th highest grossing documentary of all times!

Charlie Rose continues the interview with Mr. Rogers, and he talks about how important it is to be a good receiver. “I see that people who are not the fancy people in this world, are the ones who seem to nourish my soul and I want to learn how to be the best receiver I can ever be. Because I think graceful receiving is one of the most wonderful gifts we can give anybody.” It is so important to receive gifts gracefully because many, including children, may work hard on a gift for you and for you to receive it with a grateful heart and a smile, with words of affirmation, that is a gift right back to the giver. Even if you are a person of few words make sure to speak out so they know that you truly appreciate their gift. Mr. Rogers, giving 30 years of his life, showed us how to be a graceful receiver and we can follow his example. What do you think about graceful receiving? We want to hear from you, you can email us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

Remembering Mr. Rogers (1994/1997) | Charlie Rose
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