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Home » “People are Dying as they Live” How to Love People who are Grieving

“People are Dying as they Live” How to Love People who are Grieving


This life moves so fast, that if we don’t stop to take account of the realities that we face every day, we are going to miss them, and suddenly find ourselves at the end of our lives. We may not be at the end of our lives, but we may have those in our lives who are at the end of theirs, and there also may be those whose lives have suddenly ended. In this encouraging and uplifting moment, Greg sits down with long time friend and brother in the Lord, Jack Hollis, who has walked more than 50 years with the Lord, to talk about these important truths about life. When talking with Jack, Greg recalls a close friend that ministers alongside Jack, Geno, who happens to work in Hospice.  

Knowing that Geno witnesses grief and death everyday of his life, Greg shares how Geno responded to him when he asked him his perspective on the things that the was witnessed. “People die as they lived.” This is so incredibly profound. Jack has worked closely alongside Geno and he expresses Geno with these words, “Geno is the best grief teacher in the world”. As he points out some of the important teachings that Geno shares, “you really don’t get any kind of closure without grief”. One of the most common statements we hear, when someone has passed away is, “they’re in a better place”. As Jack recalls Geno’s teachings, he points out how this is the worst thing that we can say, especially to grieving spouses. As Jack continues, “he may be in a better place, but the point is, she’s still here. And that’s who needs ministry, not him. Wherever he is, his is over. But she is needing ministry. She needs the love. She needs the fellowship.”  

It’s so important to recognize and realize that how we live our lives, is who we will be at the end of our lives. If we were bitter and resentful, that is how we will be in our final years. As Greg points out, “we can get bitter when it’s all about this life. You know, we’re not living for eternity.” Greg continues, “so many people that live for this world and they are just so miserable.” Jack quickly agrees with this important truth when he states, “there is nothing satisfying here. Nothing.” Jack recalls the years of drinking he underwent trying to find satisfaction in this life. As he points out, “it almost cost me my wife and my son”. These are the very moments that we can decide not to live for this life, but to live for eternity, for Jesus!  


TGLS 112321 

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