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How Evil People Sometimes Blame God’s Rebukes on God’s Messengers

Discerning the Hand of God: Evil Men's Failure to Recognize Divine Discipline behind God’s Messengers



In the pages of history and scripture, we often find examples of evil men and women who, blinded by their own self-interest and power, fail to recognize the hand of God working in their lives. Elijah, a mighty prophet of God, serves as a poignant example of this phenomenon. His encounters with kings and leaders who sought to silence him demonstrate how evil individuals can misconstrue God’s rebuke as mere human opposition. This article explores the dynamic between Elijah, the kings, and their inability to perceive God’s discipline and message behind the prophet’s words. 

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.” Jesus Matthew 23:37 

Elijah and the Kings:  

Elijah stood as a messenger of God, fearlessly proclaiming the divine truth in the face of powerful rulers. The kings of his time, threatened by Elijah’s words and divine authority, sought to eliminate him. However, their perception of Elijah as a force against their military might and governmental power reflected their blindness to God’s sovereignty and righteous judgment. 

The Truth Behind the Attacks:  

What the evil men failed to comprehend was that Elijah’s words were not his own, but God’s message to them. The prophet served as a vessel, speaking on behalf of the Almighty, attempting to bring the leaders back to Him or turn their hearts towards Him once again. However, their hearts were hardened, rendering them blind to the divine nature of Elijah’s admonitions. 

Blinded to God’s Discipline: 

Evil people often fail to recognize that God’s rebuke and discipline are attempts to capture their attention, urging them to reevaluate their actions and return to a path aligned with His will. Instead of perceiving the divine intervention, these individuals attribute the consequences of their own wrongdoing solely to human schemes. In their limited perspective, they fail to acknowledge the existence of a higher power above them. 

“Was there ever a prophet your ancestors did not persecute? They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered him.” Stephen Acts 7:52 

Conspiring Against God:  

The kings and leaders who conspired against Elijah were essentially conspiring against God Himself. Their ignorance of God’s authority and His plan for their lives led them to challenge the messenger rather than introspect on their own actions. By rejecting Elijah, they rejected the opportunity for redemption and restoration that God’s discipline offered. 

The Cost of Speaking Truth:  

Elijah’s unwavering commitment to speaking the truth given to him by God serves as a reminder that standing for truth may not always lead to popularity among humankind. When individuals speak God’s truth, especially in the face of evil, they risk facing opposition, ridicule, and even persecution. However, the purpose is not to seek the approval of man but to faithfully convey the message entrusted to them by the divine. 


The story of Elijah and the kings who conspired against him sheds light on the tendency of evil individuals to blame God’s rebuke as mere man-made opposition. They fail to recognize that behind the prophet’s words lies a divine plea for repentance and restoration. As history has shown, speaking God’s truth can be a lonely path, but it is a path worth treading for those who seek to align themselves with God’s will. May we learn from Elijah’s example and remain steadfast in speaking the truth, regardless of its reception among mankind. 

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