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Home » How to Hear God’s Voice, Thoughts of God, Angel Messengers, Chris Reed

In today’s spiritual landscape, discerning the voice of God is a pursuit many Christians strive to achieve. Chris Reed of Chris Reed Ministries provides insight into this profound experience, teaching that God’s voice often comes to us in ways we might not expect. Through deep reflection and a biblical lens, he helps us understand how to distinguish between divine communication and other spiritual voices.

Understanding Spiritual Communication: Angels, the Holy Spirit, and Thoughts

Chris Reed explains that when people speak of hearing from angels or the Holy Spirit, they are not referring to vocal cords in the same sense humans use. He elaborates that angels and spirit beings communicate through thoughts rather than audible speech. Reed highlights, “When someone says, ‘an angel spoke to me,’ it’s not necessarily with a physical voice but through thoughts placed in their mind.” This concept aligns with the understanding that spiritual beings don’t have physical vocal cords but instead communicate through impressions and feelings that come across as thoughts.

He further clarifies that discerning the nature of these spiritual voices requires wisdom and attentiveness. When the source of the voice is demonic, the thoughts it produces will lead to feelings of depression, fear, or anger. Conversely, a heavenly voice brings encouragement, edification, and a deeper connection to God. This distinction helps Christians learn to filter the voices they hear and align themselves more closely with the voice of God.


“He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals His thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth—the Lord God Almighty is his name.” Amos 4:13


Biblical Insight: How God Speaks Through His Creation and His Spirit

The Bible offers numerous examples of how God communicates with humanity. Amos 4:13 reminds us that God, the Creator of the mountains and the wind, “reveals his thoughts to mankind.” The notion of God revealing His thoughts connects with Reed’s teaching that divine communication often comes as inner impressions or thoughts. God’s voice, though subtle, is powerful and rooted in His desire to draw us closer to Him.

In Job 33:14-18, God’s communication is shown to come in various forms, including dreams, visions, and even warnings during sleep. This passage illustrates that God speaks “now one way, now another,” often without us recognizing it. The importance of listening and being open to God’s voice is clear as He uses these moments to guide us away from wrongdoing, pride, and danger.

Proverbs 1:23 adds to this by emphasizing repentance and attentiveness to God’s rebuke. It promises that God will pour out His thoughts and make His teachings known to those who listen. By aligning our hearts with His voice, we can live in peace, “without fear of harm.”

Practical Wisdom: Distinguishing Between Divine and Demonic Voices

Chris Reed emphasizes that learning to discern God’s voice is a journey of spiritual growth. The Holy Spirit often speaks through subtle thoughts and impressions. Reed mentions that people sometimes wonder how they can distinguish between the voices they hear. He advises, “A demonic voice will bring overwhelming feelings of depression, sadness, and fear. But a heavenly voice will always edify and draw people closer to God.”

This practice of discernment is essential for Christians seeking to grow in their faith. Reed’s wisdom aligns with biblical teachings that God’s voice brings life, peace, and transformation. It is not a voice of confusion or despair but one of clarity and encouragement.

The Role of Faith and Obedience in Hearing God’s Voice

Hearing God’s voice requires faith and obedience. As highlighted in Proverbs 1:23, God promises to pour out His thoughts when we repent and turn to Him. Obedience is key to aligning ourselves with His will. Just as Job reminds us that God speaks in many ways, our task is to be open and receptive, trusting that He will guide us through whatever means He chooses—whether through thoughts, dreams, or circumstances.

Conclusion: Drawing Near to God Through His Voice

Chris Reed’s teaching reminds us that hearing God’s voice is a spiritual discipline. It requires patience, discernment, and a willingness to be still before God. His voice may not always come in ways we expect, but with a heart attuned to His Spirit, we can learn to hear and respond. The biblical truths that Chris Reed emphasizes serve as a timeless guide for believers seeking to cultivate a deeper relationship with God.

As Amos and Job both illustrate, God reveals His thoughts and speaks in various ways. It is up to us to listen, discern, and respond in faith. By doing so, we draw closer to the heart of God and experience the peace, joy, and guidance that His voice brings.

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