LISTEN NOW! Persecution against the Church and the Jewish community continues, this time in the horrific actions of vandalizing Jewish cemeteries. Vice President Pence commented on this vandalism that occurred in University City, Missouri. “We condemn this vile act of vandalism and those who perpetrate it in the strongest possible terms.” Vice President Pence also commented on the response of many who came in response, to help in many ways. “It’s been inspiring to people, all across this country to see the way that people of Missouri have rallied around the Jewish community with compassion and support. You have inspired this nation with your kindness and your care.”
KY3 News is further reporting how “around 180 headstones had been knocked off their bases at the Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery.” This cemetery is in the St. Louis area. But, the response to help wasn’t limited to the local populace. “Muslim activists started a crowd funding campaign to help with the cost of repairing the headstones. It raised over $80,000 in 24 hours.”
These are horrific events that are taking place against our Jewish brothers and sisters and we must stand in support of them. See the full report of what has taken place, as well as the many responses, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: persecution, threats, vandalism, anti-Semitism, Israel, and terrorism. Greg shared in this segment.
screen capture from time.com
screen capture from time.com
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