LISTEN NOW! If you ever get the opportunity to travel to Israel and see the very sights and cities of the Holy Land, be sure and take it. If you’ve ever wondered how to even begin to make that a reality, than look no further. Meet Scott Volk. After his very own trip to Israel, he was overwhelmed with the realities of Scripture when he encountered a group of underprivileged children. Jesus said in Matthew 25:40, “…‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ As he shares, he was standing before the very ones that Jesus spoke about. “I got home, and we immediately launched ‘Together For Israel’, a non-profit organization that exists to serve the believers living in the land of Israel.” Not only can you hear the passion exuding from Volk as he shares about the vision that God has birthed within him, but you see the very sights and sounds for yourself as people share and capture what they experienced while on a trip to the Holy Land of Israel. Be sure and be a part of their next trip on November 7-16, 2017. See the very images of what is shared as you get the entire conversation, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of Dan Josephson/shutterstock.com
Courtesy of Dan Josephson/shutterstock.com
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