The tension is rising across the nation and the world as more terror is occurring. The previous events that took place in Pastor John Hagee’s congregation, Cornerstone Church, caused interruption when repeated protestors began shouting during church service. The same has now happened in Joel Osteen’s, Lakewood Church. When a first time visitor, Anwar Richardson, witnessed the occurrence, he decided to take his family and leave the service of not being sure how the events would unfold. Richardson stated to reporters, ‘This is the first time he’s ever been scared at church.’ Waves of terror are spreading also to the shores of Tunisia when an ISIS gunman shot and killed 38 tourists. An eye-witness was on scene during the shootings and captured mobile video of the events. The gunman was ultimately shot and killed. We don’t want this to happen, in America, or in the world. We have to cry out to God. We have to wake up. We have to respond.
Courtesy of Scott Richardson/