WATCH! Prophetic Warning Foretold, by Greg Lancaster – More things to come- IF MY PEOPLE!
World is Over in Six Minutes, The Reporter Said
John and Greg both share prophetic dreams they received regarding the fall of the economy. God’s word encourages us to share with others that they may hear and know what the Lord is saying so they would not have to suffer. God loves America and He is not writing her off. There is hope if we trust in God but not if we trust in men
Greg, John, and Pat discuss the prophetic warning that foretold much of what we are beginning to see unfold in Pensacola today. They talk about the prophetic word that unfolded over a seven year period of time. The prophecy was given on June 10, 2013 before the county commissioners at an Escambia County Board Meeting. The prophetic word chronicles a ten year stretch of time regarding things that have happened and things that were to come. Some of which we are experiencing today.
In this recorded prophetic word shared with county commissioners, Greg reviews what he presented to the commissioners at a prior time and shortly after that, four commissioners were removed from office. Greg shares about more things that were revealed to him that were to come after the financial storm our nation is going through. He said people would come to the commissioners and begin to make demands upon them financially and that finances would be tough. He further prayed that God would grant them wisdom regarding all the future decisions they would have to make on behalf of the citizens of Escambia county. Greg shares how just seven days from releasing that word to the County Commissioners a constitutional officer came before them making financial demands of them and as a result the county jail was their responsibility again. As of today, and as a result of the storm and flooding, a gas leak at the county jail, according to the Pensacola News Journal caused an explosion resulting in two individuals’ death, three that are unaccounted for and close to 150 injured. They discuss the importance of listening to God when He is speaking. The tragic weather events of Biblical proportions that resulted in countless vehicles that flooded and even reports of people going to their attics to avoid drowning in areas that have never flooded before. This is a physical battle even law enforcement were grounded. Everything stopped. They continued to discuss how God does speak.