Having True Impact for Jesus in the World we LIVE in: Declaring Jesus is Lord over All 7 Mountains of Society
Having True Impact for Jesus in the World we LIVE in: Declaring Jesus is Lord over All 7 Mountains of Society
John Pat and Steve share an encouraging application of how we can impact the nation where God has placed us. In every nation there are 7 mountains of influence. Before the nations can be reached for Christ, individuals have to be reached. Find out how you can impact your nation for the Kingdom and so much more. Also talked about in this segment: Marines, the devil, locker rooms, feet, and mechanics.
Dog Dials Phone, Saves Military Veterans Life
Pat, John, and Steve share a surprising story of how a service dog saved a veteran’s life while he was having a seizure. How the dog did this is absolutely simply amazing. Found out how and so much more. Also shared this in this segment: Marines, IEDs, and iPhones.