GLM Cocoa Grandmother? by 446 Greg shares a funny moment when his tiny Grandmother gives him a heaping teaspoon full of cocoa, not what he expected. Enjoy this humor moment. Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · Cocoa Grandmother Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn VKontakte Email You may also like Fascination! A Story of Redemption, Revelation, and the Relentless Love of... Two Worlds Collide: Jonathan Roumie and Michael Iskander Talk Faith, Roles,... Boldness Over Fear: Obeying God No Matter the Cost The 21 “The Movie” DJ Daniels: A Young Fighter’s Tale of Cancer, Courage, and a... EXAMPLEARTICLE Occupy Till I Come: God’s Strategy for Wealth Creation and Kingdom... A Call to Prepare: Navigating Prophetic Shifts, Authority, and Awakening in... A Work of Faith: Embracing the Journey to Receive God’s Promises,... Walking Circumspectly: A Guide to Spiritual Awareness and Intimacy with God,...