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Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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Home » Legacy of Faith: An Intimate Conversation with Franklin Graham

The Call to Stay Focused 

In today’s fast-paced and distracting world, it’s crucial to remain steadfast in our callings. Franklin Graham recounts a pivotal decision his father, Billy Graham, made when offered prestigious opportunities, including becoming the U.S. ambassador to London and a board member of ABC. Despite the potential for significant influence, Billy declined, believing it wasn’t God’s calling for him. Franklin emphasizes the importance of not getting sidetracked by tempting offers and staying focused on what God has called us to do. 

Lessons from a Godly Heritage 

Reflecting on his upbringing, Franklin shares how his father handled criticism by continuing his work unwaveringly. He recounts a lesson from his parents about resilience, humility, and the power of not letting criticism derail one’s mission. Growing up with godly grandparents and parents, Franklin acknowledges the invaluable legacy of faith and scripture memorization instilled by his mother.  “Well, I think my father when it came to criticism, he just went he just kept doing his work you know if they want to throw dirt at me or throw mud at me, they’ll just have to hit me in the back,’ because he kept moving forward. 

The Significance of Family Legacy 

Franklin’s daughter, reflecting on their family’s journey, expresses gratitude for the godly heritage passed down through generations. She discusses the impact of her father’s decision to follow Christ 50 years ago and how it shaped their family’s future. Franklin fondly recalls memories of growing up on their family property, sharing stories of mischievous childhood antics and the strong influence of his mother. 

A Life Changed by a Direct Conversation 

A pivotal moment in Franklin’s life occurred in 1974, on his birthday, when his father had a direct and heartfelt conversation with him. Billy Graham spoke of a battle for Franklin’s soul, urging him to choose to follow Christ. This encounter led Franklin to a life-changing decision to surrender to God while on a tour in Israel. 

Stepping into Ministry 

Franklin shares his initial reluctance to preach and how John Wesley White encouraged him to step into evangelistic preaching. Despite initial nerves, Franklin accepted the challenge, realizing that God had a plan for him. This decision marked the beginning of his dual role in Samaritan’s Purse and evangelistic preaching. 

The Foundation and Growth of Samaritan’s Purse 

Franklin recounts his journey with Samaritan’s Purse, starting from a small organization with limited resources. He reflects on the mentorship of Bob Pierce and the principle of “God room”—leaving space for God to work in meeting needs. Through faith and dedication, Samaritan’s Purse grew significantly, aided by opportunities like appearing on Jim Bakker’s program, which expanded their reach and support base. 

The Role of Strong Women 

Franklin highlights the significant roles his mother and wife played in supporting their family’s ministry. He shares anecdotes of his mother’s practical jokes and creative discipline methods, showcasing her strong and loving character. He also praises his wife, Jane, for her unwavering support and strength, particularly during his extensive travels. 

Facing Challenges and Remaining Focused 

Discussing the challenges of ministry, Franklin emphasizes the importance of staying true to God’s calling and not compromising, especially in today’s world where distractions and temptations are rampant. He reflects on the impact of societal changes, like electronic devices, on children’s spiritual growth and the need for strong parental guidance. 

Legacy and Looking Forward 

When asked about his legacy, Franklin expresses his desire to be remembered for faithfully doing what God called him to do and proclaiming the gospel. He shares his father’s example of looking forward and not dwelling on the past. Franklin remains focused on the future, planning his upcoming travels and continuing his ministry work. 

Encouragement for Future Generations 

Franklin concludes by encouraging future generations to stay true to the gospel without compromise. He stresses the importance of integrity, humility, and loyalty in ministry. Reflecting on his own life and the lessons learned from his parents, Franklin hopes to inspire others to remain steadfast in their faith and dedicated to their God-given missions. 

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