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Home » Cory Mills: War, Leadership, and Accountability: Cory Mills on the Path Forward for the U.S.

In a conversation with Glenn Beck, Cory Mills addresses the possibility of a U.S. war with Iran, cautioning that any conflict should be led by regional powers rather than the United States. Mills points out that the threat from Iran has grown as a result of weak U.S. leadership and highlights Israel’s critical role in countering Iran-backed militias like Hamas and Hezbollah. He notes that Iran has been emboldened by U.S. hesitancy, particularly in recent global conflicts.

“If there’s going to be a war with Iran,” Mills argues, “it should be a Middle Eastern-led coalition, not one driven by America. We can offer support, but the U.S. has its own issues at home that need attention.” He emphasizes diplomacy and regional solutions as the best path to avoiding full-scale war, warning that a U.S.-led effort would escalate global tensions and draw in adversaries like Russia and China, even though they may not immediately come to Iran’s defense.

Kamala Harris Presidency Scenario

Mills and Beck also discuss the implications of a potential Kamala Harris presidency, which Mills views as a path to economic disaster. He predicts that her administration would see massive government spending, increased debt, and the continued erosion of American freedoms.

“We’d spend our way into economic collapse,” Mills says, envisioning a scenario where big government continues to grow, while inflation and national debt spiral out of control. He warns that such policies would be unsustainable, fundamentally changing the character of America. “We wouldn’t recognize the country we grew up in,” he adds.

Trump’s Approach to Debt and Economic Growth

When discussing Donald Trump’s economic strategy, Mills praises the former president’s approach to managing debt through economic growth, particularly in the energy sector. Unlike other leaders who focus on austerity measures, Trump sees debt as manageable when coupled with strong growth strategies.

“Trump understands that energy is the real global currency,” Mills explains. He highlights Trump’s focus on tax reforms that incentivize business growth, which, in turn, generate revenue to offset the national debt. Mills contrasts this approach with other leaders who believe in cutting government programs without prioritizing economic expansion. “You can’t cut your way to profitability. You have to grow the economy,” Mills concludes, emphasizing Trump’s long-term vision for debt reduction through economic strength.

Campaign Finance Reform and Accountability in Government

Mills also outlines bold ideas for campaign finance reform, advocating for a system where fundraising is limited to districts rather than allowing outside money to influence elections. He suggests tying Congressional salaries to the median income of the districts they represent, so lawmakers feel the impact of their constituents’ struggles.

“Right now, there’s a huge disconnect between Washington and the rest of America,” Mills says. He believes that holding politicians accountable by making them financially connected to their districts would lead to better governance. “If our constituents are struggling, we should feel it too.”

Haiti Rescue Operations

Mills recalls his involvement in humanitarian rescue missions in Haiti following the assassination of President Moïse, which left the country in chaos. Partnering with Tim Tebow and Mercury One, Mills helped evacuate Americans and vulnerable children stranded in dangerous situations.

“When the U.S. government had no plan to rescue Americans, we stepped in,” Mills recounts. His team conducted night missions, rescuing dozens of people, including 59 disabled children left behind by gangs. These efforts demonstrated his commitment to stepping in where governments fall short and ensuring that no one is left behind in times of crisis.  Read the incredible details of how Cory Mills led the rescue of Americans in Haiti.

Closing Thoughts and the Role of Citizens

In closing, Cory Mills and Glenn Beck stress the importance of ordinary citizens taking action to make a difference in their communities. Whether it’s through local service, standing up for what’s right, or helping those in need, Mills believes that every individual has a role to play in improving the country.

“We can’t sit idly by,” Beck concludes. Mills echoes this sentiment, urging Americans to be forces for good, even in small ways. As a statesman, not just a politician, Mills continues to lead by example, whether on the battlefield, in Congress, or through humanitarian efforts.


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