How does faith shape creativity? Forrest Frank, the voice behind “No Longer Bound” and “Altar,” shares his incredible journey from small-town beginnings to global recognition. Learn how he balances music, …
7 Mountains of Culture
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Amazon’s ‘IAM’: A Technological Marvel or a Biblical Foreshadowing of the Antichrist’s Marketplace?
Christian LivingEvangelismFaith and ActionFaith-Driven InfluenceInspirational StoriesPersistent Evangelism: Stories and LessonsPlanting Seeds of FaithPower of the GospelSharing the GospelSpiritual Growth and TransformationStories of Modern-Day BaptismTestimonyTransformation
“You Are Going to Die in 14 Years!” Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty Shares About His Life’s Mission with Tucker Carlson
Accountabilityand Local CollaborationCivil Rights & Civil Christianity in AmericaCrisisCultural and societal challengesEconomic Development and PolicyEthical considerationsGovernance and LeadershipGovernment and constitutional issuesGovernment MountainGreat AwakeningImmigration Enforcement StrategiesImmigration policiesLeadership and VisionLegal and Political ChallengesMedia and Public Perception ManagementMedia Influence and CriticismNational IdentityOvercoming ChallengesPrivate Sector's Role in GovernancePublic Advocacy and ReformSecurity and Enforcement
Phone Home! Illegal Immigration: A Detailed Plan for Addressing Illegal Immigration Under the Trump Administration (2025)
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Prophetic Word: God Has Started a Shift in America, the Church, Your Family, and Your Life – It Wasn’t Just an Election; It Was a Decision God Is Honoring, John Kilpatrick
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Prophetic Dream: From Warning to Awakening – Preparing for America’s Future, Rick Joyner
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Biblical Prophecy Unfolding? Joel Rosenberg’s Take on Israel’s Current Crisis
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A Prophetic Shift: Breaking Curses and Releasing Blessings Over America, Charlie Shamp
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