LISTEN NOW! We are experiencing unprecedented times never before seen. As a Christian, we have to ask ourselves what it means to be a Christian in this hour? There is no other place for guidance and direction than the word of God. What does it look like to live out a life that is both Constitutionally sound and Biblically correct? Martin Luther King, Jr. walked this out in his life during the Civil Rights Movement.
When Dr. King was interviewed on Meet the Press, he shared with boldness, “I do feel that there are two types of laws, one is a just law and one is an unjust law. I think we all have a moral obligation to obey just laws. On the other hand I think we have moral obligations to disobey unjust laws because noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good.” It is no different for us today. We have the First Amendment of The Constitution. We must know what is in the Constitution. The government can make no laws concerning religion.
Right now, we are experiencing laws that are trying to be forced and pushed. Glenn Beck recently conversed with a member of Congress who expressed the heightened amount of corruption that is happening within the leadership of the nation. Glenn brings clarity to this hour asks this critical question to all of us, ‘We will have to truly stand up and learn how to be civil, to exercise civil disobedience, non-violent civil disobedience. Are you willing to go to jail for what you believe?…Are you willing to go to jail? Are you willing to be penniless? Are you willing to lose your house? Are you willing to lose everything you have? ’ So many Christians are worried about reputation. Jesus made Himself of no reputation. We are living out the fruit of Martin Luther King. Jr.’s ministry because of his willingness to stand for what was right. When we stand up for righteousness, it is not for our lives, but for the lives and generations that will come after us.
Glenn Beck continued to share about the beliefs of the Islamic population within America. “52% of Muslims living in America believe it is alright to have a violent overthrow of The Constitution to implement Sharia Law”. These numbers line up as well with Kamal Saleem’s report of 450,000 Islamic Terrorists have crossed the borders into America. Plainly stated, difficult days are ahead.
If one has not already, now is the time to prepare. Wisdom is planning for 90 days’ worth of food and water. If we do not have this preparation now, we will have nothing for ourselves and those we love in order to reach out and minister to those who have nothing. If one does not prepare, what they have is all they will have. According to Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, once the end of summer arrives, the time of preparation is over. Hear the full report of what is taking place, the wisdom of how to walk as a Civil Christian in a Civil land, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.
courtesy of shutterstock.com/larry1235
courtesy of shutterstock.com/larry1235
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