Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » Turning the Hearts of the Fathers to the Children and the Children to the Fathers, Or Else God says

Turning the Hearts of the Fathers to the Children and the Children to the Fathers, Or Else God says


LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat, and John share about a time while preparing for the Next Step Outback, formerly known as the Father and Son Camping Trip.   Greg shares how during the same time he is putting out signs in the early morning to reach fathers, sons and those who don’t have fathers present in their lives; he is counseling a man who is trying to reach him.  What is interesting is that back when Greg helped this couple with premarital counseling the man who was calling him was not too interested in getting some premarital wisdom but now after just being married for 48 hours he is reaching out for help.  The truth is that as Greg was reaching the fatherless boys in the city he was trying to encourage a man who himself was fatherless.  There is a strategy waged by the enemy against the children and men.  The men can be stuck in their life because they didn’t have a father in their life.  They continue to share that there is good news and that you can get the intimacy you were created to have among the family of God, the Church.  It’s not over for everything that you are lacking can be found in God and his church, his people, the family of God. 

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