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Home » ‘Zombie Bees’ Invade Washington

‘Zombie Bees’ Invade Washington


SEATTLE  — The infection is as grim as it sounds: “Zombie bees” have a parasite that causes them to fly at night and lurch around erratically until they die.
And experts say the condition has crept into Washington state.
“I joke with my kids that the zombie apocalypse is starting at my house,” said Mark Hohn, a novice beekeeper who spotted the infected insects at his suburban Seattle home.

WATCH REPORT on Zombie Bees


Hohn returned from vacation a few weeks ago to find many of his bees either dead or flying in jerky patterns and then flopping on the floor.
He remembered hearing about zombie bees, so he collected several of the corpses and popped them into a plastic bag. About a week later, the Kent man had evidence his bees were infected: the pupae of parasitic flies.
“Curiosity got the better of me,” Hohn said.
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