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Home » Gideon rise up; stand up for God and for Israel

Gideon rise up; stand up for God and for Israel


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat share regarding Gideon in the Bible. He was a man that was trying to earn a living in the midst of strife filled people when God called him.  Gideon was called a mighty man of valor, (even though he was chosen because he was the weakest and less likely) so he could begin to do something where God can show himself mighty.  It’s time for God’s people to rise up and join the flanks of Gideon’s army around the world.  It’s time to stand for God and for Israel.  Some of those who are rising up are in International House of Prayer where they release prophetic worship.  You can listen in this segment to a prophetic song and rap regarding Jacob, Israel, – “Jacob where are you”.  It is a very encouraging prophetic release about what God is doing.  Join Gideon’s Army. Be a part of this spiritual army that hears what God is saying, and does exactly what he tells them to do.


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courtesy of zefart/shutterstock.com

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