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Home » God is Blessing those who are in the Harvest and Understand Family as God’s Structure for the Church

God is Blessing those who are in the Harvest and Understand Family as God’s Structure for the Church

 Greg, John, and Pat share regarding Pastor Steve and his launching to begin VFN Pittsburgh and celebrating that Steve just got hired by a national company in Pittsburgh.  They encourage VFNRadio listeners that we need to rethink Church.  When twenty three million people are out of work we are seeing God provide employment in amazing ways. While others have unfortunately lost homes we have seen others sell their home in seven days, a miracle says the realtor.  God does have an order, a structure for his church its family and when God’s people get in his order, abide and are faithful in the harvest, and we have seen him bless His Church.
Courtesy of Maridav/shutterstock.com

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