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Home » Got a STORM Shelter for You, from the Most High

Got a STORM Shelter for You, from the Most High


Greg, John, and Pat discuss a recent interview with John McTernan on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural” program. In this interview John McTernan shares that every time the United States leadership has done something bad to Israel, America would suffer the consequences of that action.  One of which was when the then President Franklin Roosevelt allegedly made an agreement with the King of Saudi Arabia to provide them military protection in exchange for oil.  President Franklin Roosevelt also told the King that Israel would never be allowed to form a nation.  Seven days to the day the President died and Vice President Harry Truman took his place who later wrote a letter in support for Israel becoming a nation again.   Greg, John, and Pat continue to discuss how John McTernan said that since the beginning of January 2012 he has sensed that something bad was coming.  They continued sharing this same feeling deep in their spirit.  Many today are putting their hope for America in a candidate but overwhelming times are coming to America and the way you can survive what is coming is by taking shelter.  The word of God says in Psalm91:1 “He who dwells in the secret place of the most High shall Abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”  The shelter is found in abiding with God but according to George Barna only 19% of the church actually abides with God and just because God moved by his spirit in times past doesn’t mean that we are in the same condition it was when God did move.  Maybe what was started in the spirit is now being done in the flesh.  It’s time to enter the shelter of God, to abide with him, and follow his ways.


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Courtesy of Zacarias Pereira da Mata/shutterstock.com

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