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Home » Military will be gutted, says General Martin Joint Chief of Staff

Military will be gutted, says General Martin Joint Chief of Staff


John, Greg and Pat discussed what the Joint Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey said about the military being gutted because of budget cuts.  The General says the budget cuts will effect operations, maintenance, and training.  Ships will return to ports, aircrafts will be grounded, and training curtailed.  Our readiness will begin to erode, within months we will be less prepared and within a year we will be unprepared.  We are seeing the weakening of America.  We have to ask the question is America under Judgment?  There is a strategy to take this nation down.  The church must stay awake and stand and fight for this country.  At the same time, how can the church stand and fight for the country when it has not been willing to fight and stand on God’s truth, with George Barna reporting that only 19 percent of the church actually reads their Bible?  What is happening is just another fulfillment of prophesy, history told in advance.  God is warning us so that we may be prepared.


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