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Home » One Man, One Torch for God; Shook a City

One Man, One Torch for God; Shook a City


LISTEN NOW! John, Greg, and Pat share about the Apostle Paul, one man, one torch for God who shook a city.  Paul was faithful to preach the good news of the kingdom everywhere he was sent and the city of Ephesus was no different.  So much so the silver smiths and craftsman in the area had to take note of Paul’s ministry.   They gathered together to discuss that Paul was leading so many people to the Lord in Ephesus and in the province of Asia that they were going to lose their business of creating shrines to a false God named Artemis.  We have today everything that Paul had then.  Jesus Christ lives in every believer and it is his power and glory that can be revealed through us.  Paul shook an entire city for Jesus and became a torch for the gospel of the kingdom.   He preached in the synagogues, he discipled believers and God did extraordinary miracles through Paul including healing the sick and delivering people of demons.  The result was that a fear of God seized the city and Jesus’ name was held in high honor and the word of the Lord continued to spread and grew in power.  As Christians and followers of Jesus we can do the same and more in our cities because Jesus told us we can and because the hope of glory lives in inside of us.

 shutterstock.com/Jason Clardy
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