Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » VFNRadio Broadcast Second Hour 1/31/13

VFNRadio Broadcast Second Hour 1/31/13

    We are just SOOO Blessed in America
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how we are so blessed in America.  It is said that America is the bread basket for the word.  We produce so much food in this country that some have used food as fuel for our vehicles.  God has so blessed us with America and the form of government that allows us to hire representatives to represent us.  Help us Lord not to waste he blessing.  Forgive us for not being grateful for the blessed land you have given us.  The Lord will hold us accountable for how we run our country.
Find out more on the VFN Torch at VFNtv.com
    VFN Torch TOP 3
John, Greg, and Pat share what the top 3 stories are on the VFN Torch on January 31, 2013.
Fear of the LORD
John shares in this moment of wisdom from Proverbs 1:7 “our desperate need for the Fear of the Lord. Knowledge puffs up, love builds up but without a healthy fear of the Lord we are in trouble.   He describes what the fear of the Lord is and what it is not and the benefits to having a fear of the Lord.
    The Tales of Cockroaches and Men
Greg, John, Pat, and Chris share several hilarious stories, at least to them, involving cockroaches.  One of which was a story Greg shares when he was a deputy, law enforcement officer.   He was called to a vacant house that was in probate with a report of something going on in the house.  Greg shows up to the house; it has no electricity, it’s dark and as he stands on the porch he sees the door is cracked open.  Immediately he thinks that if someone is in the house he is going to flash his huge light blinding them to catch them by surprise.  Well the surprise was on him. He opened the door to flash his flash light but he didn’t see anyone there except 3 inch cockroaches everywhere.  At once they flew all over him and he is covered in roaches.  He has roaches crawling all over him, up his pant legs, through the sleeves of his shirt.  Needless to say, he did a quick search of the house.  Enjoy the rest of these stories as they share a light humor moment with theVFNRadio audience listeners.

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